Paul Pelosi scores again with Visa trade: Ban Congress stock schemes NOW
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Die Nancy Pelosi
2024-09-25 22:20:27 UTC
Paul Pelosi has made yet another brilliant stock trade, selling
shares of Visa valued at between $500,000 and $1 million less
than three months before the feds hit the credit card company
with antitrust charges.

Guess being married to one of the most plugged-in politicians in
America has its perks: Does anyone believe Pelosi is making
these “lucky” calls entirely on his own?

Look at the history.

From 2007 to 2020, Paul raked in as much as $30.4 million from
trades in Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft — even
as rumors flew that Nancy was slow-walking efforts to regulate
these firms.

In 2020 alone, the Pelosis’ investments beat the S&P by nearly

Meanwhile, the then-speaker stalled all efforts to toughen rules
around members of Congress and dearest making stock trades,
outright quashing a March 2020 bill on the issue.

Her goldbricking even drew ire from fellow Democrats who —
rightly — see the insider-trading issue as a stain on the entire

And Pelosi is far from the only member of Congress who seems to
enjoy bizarrely high levels of good luck in the market, though
her (and Paul’s) prowess is so legendary it inspired a feed on X
and apps meant to match the couple’s tradies.

At this point, the burden on proof is on Pelosi to prove she and
Paul are clean.

But even if this is a case of smoke without fire, it still
stinks; the appearance of major further erodes the trust of
Americans not married to a member of Congress.

It’s another actual threat to democracy, in other words.

Bill after bill has come forth trying to clean up this mess,
with bipartisan backing.

It’s time for Pelosi and everyone fighting against reform to let
the sunlight in.

Snik Hip
48 minutes ago

Our “leaders” are literally showing us their corruption and
saying nothing to see here just like the 2020 election steal.

4 minutes ago

Half of America pretends to not know this is going on. Even when
evidence is clear.

Pretending is a D character quality.

True American
10 minutes ago

Exactly.....They think they're untouchable right
now....Meanwhile us little people pay more tax then they
do....What a disgrace this Government is.....Karma will come for
all of them.....

Charlie Glock
2024-09-25 22:41:28 UTC
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Paul Pelosi has made yet another brilliant stock trade, selling
shares of Visa valued at between $500,000 and $1 million less
than three months before the feds hit the credit card company
with antitrust charges.
Guess being married to one of the most plugged-in politicians in
America has its perks: Does anyone believe Pelosi is making
these “lucky” calls entirely on his own?
Look at the history.
From 2007 to 2020, Paul raked in as much as $30.4 million from
trades in Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft — even
as rumors flew that Nancy was slow-walking efforts to regulate
these firms.
In 2020 alone, the Pelosis’ investments beat the S&P by nearly
Meanwhile, the then-speaker stalled all efforts to toughen rules
around members of Congress and dearest making stock trades,
outright quashing a March 2020 bill on the issue.
Her goldbricking even drew ire from fellow Democrats who —
rightly — see the insider-trading issue as a stain on the entire
And Pelosi is far from the only member of Congress who seems to
enjoy bizarrely high levels of good luck in the market, though
her (and Paul’s) prowess is so legendary it inspired a feed on X
and apps meant to match the couple’s tradies.
At this point, the burden on proof is on Pelosi to prove she and
Paul are clean.
But even if this is a case of smoke without fire, it still
stinks; the appearance of major further erodes the trust of
Americans not married to a member of Congress.
It’s another actual threat to democracy, in other words.
Bill after bill has come forth trying to clean up this mess,
with bipartisan backing.
It’s time for Pelosi and everyone fighting against reform to let
the sunlight in.
Snik Hip
48 minutes ago
Our “leaders” are literally showing us their corruption and
saying nothing to see here just like the 2020 election steal.
4 minutes ago
Half of America pretends to not know this is going on. Even when
evidence is clear.
Pretending is a D character quality.
True American
10 minutes ago
Exactly.....They think they're untouchable right
now....Meanwhile us little people pay more tax then they
do....What a disgrace this Government is.....Karma will come for
all of them.....
The entire system is corrupt and the fact that these elected officials are supposed to represent the wants of their constituents is idiotic.
Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
- Thomas Jefferson 1776
2024-09-25 23:53:32 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Paul Pelosi has made yet another brilliant stock trade, selling
shares of Visa valued at between $500,000 and $1 million less
than three months before the feds hit the credit card company
with antitrust charges.
Guess being married to one of the most plugged-in politicians in
America has its perks: Does anyone believe Pelosi is making
these “lucky” calls entirely on his own?
Look at the history.
From 2007 to 2020, Paul raked in as much as $30.4 million from
trades in Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft — even
as rumors flew that Nancy was slow-walking efforts to regulate
these firms.
In 2020 alone, the Pelosis’ investments beat the S&P by nearly
Meanwhile, the then-speaker stalled all efforts to toughen rules
around members of Congress and dearest making stock trades,
outright quashing a March 2020 bill on the issue.
Her goldbricking even drew ire from fellow Democrats who —
rightly — see the insider-trading issue as a stain on the entire
And Pelosi is far from the only member of Congress who seems to
enjoy bizarrely high levels of good luck in the market, though
her (and Paul’s) prowess is so legendary it inspired a feed on X
and apps meant to match the couple’s tradies.
At this point, the burden on proof is on Pelosi to prove she and
Paul are clean.
But even if this is a case of smoke without fire, it still
stinks; the appearance of major further erodes the trust of
Americans not married to a member of Congress.
It’s another actual threat to democracy, in other words.
Bill after bill has come forth trying to clean up this mess,
with bipartisan backing.
It’s time for Pelosi and everyone fighting against reform to let
the sunlight in.
Snik Hip
48 minutes ago
Our “leaders” are literally showing us their corruption and
saying nothing to see here just like the 2020 election steal.
4 minutes ago
Half of America pretends to not know this is going on. Even when
evidence is clear.
Pretending is a D character quality.
True American
10 minutes ago
Exactly.....They think they're untouchable right
now....Meanwhile us little people pay more tax then they
do....What a disgrace this Government is.....Karma will come for
all of them.....
The entire system is corrupt and the fact that these elected officials are supposed to represent the wants of their constituents is idiotic.
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 11:44:09 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 00:20:27 +0200 (CEST), "Die Nancy Pelosi"
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Paul Pelosi has made yet another brilliant stock trade, selling
shares of Visa valued at between $500,000 and $1 million less
than three months before the feds hit the credit card company
with antitrust charges.
And, um, what did he pay for that stock and how long had he held it?
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Guess being married to one of the most plugged-in politicians in
America has its perks: Does anyone believe Pelosi is making
these “lucky” calls entirely on his own?
Look at the history.
From 2007 to 2020, Paul raked in as much as $30.4 million from
trades in Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft — even
as rumors flew that Nancy was slow-walking efforts to regulate
these firms.
Since when do Republicans complain about slow walking regulation?
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
In 2020 alone, the Pelosis’ investments beat the S&P by nearly
Got any proof of corruption? 'Cause, you know, there are a lot of folks who've
made a bundle in the stock market. That's what it's for.
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Meanwhile, the then-speaker stalled all efforts to toughen rules
around members of Congress and dearest making stock trades,
outright quashing a March 2020 bill on the issue.
Again, why is a Republican complaining about this? I recall several instances
when 'Cons fought tooth and nail to block campaign finance reform, for example.
And wasn't it Republicans who wrote the legislation repealing the Glass-Steagall
Act which resulted in the Great Recession of 2008? And what ever happened to the
Democrats' efforts to reign in corruption on the Supreme Court?

By the way, why do you guys only whine about corruption when the other party
does it? Is it like the reason you whine about debt but only when Democrats
are in power? Why have you not mentioned your own party's sins? Consider the
legendary fortune building of Dennis Hastert, for example, who was also noted
for molesting teenage boys.
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Her goldbricking
I think your ignorant author doesn't know the definition of the word
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
even drew ire from fellow Democrats who —
rightly — see the insider-trading issue as a stain on the entire
And Pelosi is far from the only member of Congress who seems to
enjoy bizarrely high levels of good luck in the market, though
her (and Paul’s) prowess is so legendary it inspired a feed on X
and apps meant to match the couple’s tradies.
By chance, are any of them Republicans?
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
At this point, the burden on proof is on Pelosi to prove she and
Paul are clean.
No, that's not how it works and you know this. Anybody can make up allegations,
and gods know Republicans are prolific at it, but it's up to the accuser (you)
to prove them.
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
But even if this is a case of smoke without fire, it still
stinks; the appearance of major further erodes the trust of
Americans not married to a member of Congress.
As Trump was going to the White House in 2016, he had to settle fraud claims
over his bogus university, he had to pay a 25m judgment over his fake charity.
His business has been criminally convicted as a fraud, his CFO just got out of
Rikers, his campaign chairman served time in federal prison for fraud, his
campaign manager is being tried for fraud. Since then he's racked up nearly
half a BILLION dollars in judgments against him, has been convicted on 34 felony
counts and faces another 60+ counts on charges, some of which come perilously
close to treason.

And your complaint is that *Paul Pelosi* is corrupt?
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
It’s another actual threat to democracy, in other words.
Like, terminating the Constitution?
Like, being a dictator on day one?
Like, sending fake electors to Washington to overthrow a free and fair election?
Like, instigating a riot with which to cow Congress into declaring him
Like, selling national secrets including defense plans and nuclear technology to
foreign powers?
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
Bill after bill has come forth trying to clean up this mess,
with bipartisan backing.
Really? Name some that weren't shot down by Republicans.
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
It’s time for Pelosi and everyone fighting against reform to let
the sunlight in.
How about if you figured out a way to get Republicans on board with this?

<snip irrelevant ranting of Trump bootlickers>
Post by Die Nancy Pelosi
The most stressful job in America.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.