'I literally lost organs:' Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders
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Leroy N. Soetoro
2024-09-19 01:16:49 UTC

“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”

When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she
came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers
and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy.
Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the
time she was 16 years old.

Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those
who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they
actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will
struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical
consequences of a decision they made as minors.

“I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and
to share my own cautionary tale.”

In recent years, the number of children experiencing gender dysphoria in
the West has skyrocketed. Exact figures are difficult to come by, but,
between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment
in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400%
among biological females. Meanwhile, the number of young people
identifying as transgender in the US has almost doubled since 2017,
according to a new Centers for Disease Control & Prevention report.

Historically, transitioning from male to female was vastly more common,
with this cohort typically experiencing persistent gender dysphoria from a
very young age. Recently, however, the status quo has reversed, and
female-to-male transitions have become the overwhelming majority.

Dr. Lisa Littman, a former professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at
Brown University, coined the term “rapid onset gender dysphoria” to
describe this subset of transgender youth, typically biological females
who become suddenly dysphoric during or shortly after puberty. Littman
believes this may be due to adolescent girls’ susceptibility to peer
influence on social media.

Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who
was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She
says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her

“I was going through a period where I was just really isolated at school,
so I turned to the Internet,” she recalled. In her real life, Kerschner
had a falling out with friends at school; online however, she found a
community that welcomed her. “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by
this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem
with being a girl before going on Tumblr.”

“There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white
girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.”
Helena Kerschner, on how the online trans community made her feel
pressured to change gender
She said she felt political pressure to transition, too. “The community
was very social justice-y. There was a lot of negativity around being a
cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really

Chloe Cole, a 17-year-old student in California, had a similar experience
when she joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT
content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an
overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting
really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of
friends of my own.”

Experts worry that many young people seeking to transition are doing so
without a proper mental-health evaluation. Among them is Dr. Erica
Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and
identity. A transgender woman herself, Anderson has helped hundreds of
young people navigate the transition journey over the past 30 years.
Anderson supports the methodical, milestone-filled process lasting
anywhere from a few months to several years to undergo transition. Today,
however, she’s worried that some young people are being medicalized
without the proper restraint or oversight.

“I’m concerned that the rise of detransitioners is reflective of some
young people who have progressed through their gender journey very, very
quickly,” she said. She worries that some doctors may be defaulting to
medicalization as a remedy for other personal or mental-health factors.
“When other issues important to a child are not fully addressed [before
transition], then medical professionals are failing children.”

“I’m concerned that the rise of detransitioners is reflective of some
young people who have progressed through their gender journey very, very
Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender,
sexuality and identity, who is herself transgender.
According to an online survey of detransitioners conducted by Dr. Lisa
Littman last year, 40% said their gender dysphoria was caused by a mental-
health condition and 62% felt medical professionals did not investigate
whether trauma was a factor in their transition decisions.

“My dysphoria collided with my general depression issues and body image
issues,” Helena recalled. “I just came to the conclusion that I was born
in the wrong body and that all my problems in life would be solved if I

Chloe had a similar experience. “Because my body didn’t match beauty
ideals, I started to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I
thought I wasn’t pretty enough to be a girl, so I’d be better off as a
boy. Deep inside, I wanted to be pretty all along, but that’s something I
kept suppressed.”

She agrees with Dr. Anderson that more psychological evaluation is needed
to determine whether underlying mental health issues might be influencing
the desire to transition.

“More attention needs to be paid to psychotherapy,” Chloe said. “We’re
immediately jumping into irreversible medical treatments when we could be
focusing on empowering these children to not hate their bodies.”

• • •

Until 2019, Marcus Evans was the Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent
Services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, a publicly funded mental-
health center in the UK where many youth seek treatment for gender
dysphoria. But he resigned three years ago over what he viewed as the
unnecessary medicalization of dysphoric adolescents.

“I saw children being fast-tracked onto medical solutions for
psychological problems, and when kids get on the medical conveyor belt,
they don’t get off,” Evans said. “But the politicization of the issue was
shutting down proper clinical rigor. That meant quite vulnerable kids were
in danger of being put on a medical path for treatment that they may well

Indeed, transitions are getting younger and hastier. Puberty blockers are
commonly administered at the first sign of development to children as
young as 9, according to the World Professional Association for
Transgender Health. Testosterone and estrogen injections are frequently
prescribed at age 13 or 14, despite the Endocrine Society’s recommendation
of 16. And serious surgeries like mastectomies are sometimes performed on
children as young as 13.

“Quite vulnerable kids were in danger of being put on a medical path for
treatment that they may well regret.”
Marcus Evans, former Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Services
at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust
Although medical intervention for minors requires parental consent, many
mothers and fathers approve surgery and hormone therapy at the
recommendation of affirming medical professionals or even out of fear
their child might self-harm if denied treatment.

“It’s very hard for parents to know exactly how to evaluate their own
kids, and they rely quite heavily on experts to tell them,” said Jane
Wheeler, a former regulatory health-care attorney who founded Rethink
Identity Medicine Ethics, a non-profit that promotes ethical, evidence-
based care and treatment for dysphoric children. “There’s obviously a lot
of concern about the capacity for the adolescent or minor to fully
appreciate what medicalization really means.”

Medical professionals typically follow the affirmative-care model, which
is supported by the American Psychological Association, validating a
patient’s expressed gender identity regardless of their age. As a result,
detransitioners frequently report that getting prescriptions is a breeze.
A total of 55% said their medical evaluations felt inadequate, according
to Dr. Littman’s survey.

In Helena’s case, all it took to get a testosterone prescription was one
trip to Planned Parenthood when she was 18. She said she was given four
times the typical starting dose by a nurse practitioner in less than an
hour, without ever seeing a doctor.

Chloe said she was fast-tracked through her entire transition — from
blockers to a mastectomy — in just two years, with parental consent. The
only pushback she said she encountered came from the first endocrinologist
she saw, who agreed to prescribe her puberty blockers but not testosterone
when she was 13. But she said she went to another doctor who gave her the
prescription with no trouble.

‘I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support . . .
at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends.’
Detransitioner Chloe Cole, 17
“Because all the therapists and specialists followed the affirmative care
model, there wasn’t a lot of gate-keeping throughout the whole transition
process,” she recalled. “The professionals all seemed to push medical
transition, so I thought it was the only path for me to be happy.”

Evans, the author of “Gender Dysphoria: A Therapeutic Model for Working
with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” now runs his own private
practice with his wife in Beckenham, England, where he helps parents
struggling with how to address their children’s dysphoria.

A variety of studies suggest that as many as 80% of dysphoric children
could ultimately experience “desistance”— or coming to terms with their
biological gender without resorting to transition. Which is why many
professionals like Evans think it’s wise to hold off on potentially
irreversible medical intervention for as long as possible. “I’m not
against transition. I just don’t think kids can give informed consent.”

All these treatments run the risk of side effects that critics argue are
too serious for children to fully understand. In the short term, puberty
blockers can stunt growth and effect bone density, while the long-term
effects are still unknown since they were only approved by the FDA in
1993. Side effects of testosterone include high cholesterol,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, blood clots and even infertility.
Currently just three states — Arkansas, Arizona and Texas — have policies
limiting gender-affirming treatments for minors, including surgery,
hormones and speech therapy.

For those who ultimately end up regretting their transition, the
consequences of hormone therapy and surgery can be devastating. For
Helena, testosterone caused emotional instability that culminated with two
hospitalizations for self-harm.

While in the hospital she came to the realization that her transition was
a mistake. “I saw a montage of photos of me, and when I saw how much my
face changed and how unhappy I looked, I realized this was all f****d up
and I shouldn’t have done it. It was a really dark time.”

Chloe said testosterone altered her bone structure, permanently sharpening
her jawline and broadening her shoulders. She said she also struggles with
increased body and facial hair. She has a large scar across her chest from
her mastectomy, which disturbed her about surgery. “The recovery was a
very graphic process, and it was definitely something I wasn’t prepared
for,” she said. “I couldn’t even bear to look at myself sometimes. It
would make me nauseous.”

Gravest of all concerns is her fertility. Although she’d like to have
children one day, Chloe doesn’t know whether the viability of her eggs was
compromised by years of testosterone injections. She’s working with
doctors to find out, and her medical future is uncertain. “I’m still in
the dark about the overall picture of my health right now,” she said.

• • •

The subject of detransitioning is often met with vitriol from the
transgender activist community, which claims that stories like Chloe’s and
Helena’s will be used to discredit the trans movement as a whole.

This is understandable, although unlikely, as research reveals that up to
86% of trans adults feel that transitioning was the right long-term
decision for them. But, as more and more children are entrusted to make
serious medical decisions with permanent implications, the numbers of
disaffected detransitioners is almost certain to grow.

That’s why Dr. Anderson feels compelled to speak out on their behalf, as a
transgender woman herself. “Some of my colleagues are worried that
conversation about detransitioners is going to be more cannon fodder in
the culture wars, but my concern is that if we don’t address these
problems, there will be even more ammunition to criticize the appropriate
work that I and other colleagues are doing.”

And, like Anderson, these young people — who will forever live with the
consequences of hasty transition — refuse to be silenced. “I want my voice
to be heard,” said Chloe. “I don’t want history to repeat itself. I can’t
let this happen to other kids.”
We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
2024-09-19 01:20:24 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-19 10:13:21 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.

For life.
2024-09-19 15:42:56 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-19 17:09:28 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?

If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-19 18:15:14 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
He thinks there should be no authority that stops him from molesting
2024-09-19 18:19:47 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-19 18:43:23 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
Kamala Harris Word Salad Special Of The Day
Served Complete With Venn Diagram Dressing
2024-09-19 18:57:17 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
joe moses
2024-09-20 00:43:44 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
Yeah you're talking about the currently Democrat ruined USA.
2024-09-20 13:36:02 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.

that's dishonest.
Governor Swill
2024-09-20 16:00:37 UTC
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the


Cops are people too
So, in no particular order:
01) Trump fueled division and sparked record numbers of hate crimes such as Charlottesville and supporters beating a homeless man.
02) Murder went way up under Trump. He presided over the largest ever single year increase in homicides in 2020.
2024-09-20 18:42:44 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the
No, he claimed that no one can be required to do a job they don't wish to
do... I pointed to examples that refuted his claims.

He tried to assert they didn't count.

Meanwhile I can point to people who were jailed, as in thrown in prison,
because they didn't do a job because they apparently decided they didn't
want to.

Now, Swill, are you really sure you want to stick up for the fool known as
Governor Swill
2024-09-23 19:33:50 UTC
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 13:42:44 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the
No, he claimed that no one can be required to do a job they don't wish to
do... I pointed to examples that refuted his claims.
While deliberately misunderstanding that the conversation wasn't global.
Post by Scout
He tried to assert they didn't count.
And they didn't.
Post by Scout
Meanwhile I can point to people who were jailed, as in thrown in prison,
because they didn't do a job because they apparently decided they didn't
want to.
Americans? Go ahead. Give us some examples, Mr Pedantic.
Post by Scout
Now, Swill, are you really sure you want to stick up for the fool known as
Are you really sure you want to keep making a fool of yourself?

You just want to fight. You don't care with whom or about what or even if you
have to make something up to get it done. You're just an asshole with a chip on
his shoulder.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

07) Trump extreme conservative judicial appointments.
1 in 3 American women now live in a state with an abortion ban.
08) One of Trump's SCOTUS nominees, Bret Kavanaugh, was
accused of sexual assault by multiple women.
The only other SCOTUS justice to be so accused was
Clarence Thomas, also a noted conservative.
2024-09-24 14:10:16 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 13:42:44 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the
No, he claimed that no one can be required to do a job they don't wish to
do... I pointed to examples that refuted his claims.
While deliberately misunderstanding that the conversation wasn't global.
How can it not be global when the issue is authoritarianism? Are you saying
that only occurs in the US?

Further people can indeed be required to do a job.

Ever hear of "community service"?

Seems to me that happens in the US.
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Scout
He tried to assert they didn't count.
And they didn't.
Except they do,
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Scout
Meanwhile I can point to people who were jailed, as in thrown in prison,
because they didn't do a job because they apparently decided they didn't
want to.
Americans? Go ahead. Give us some examples, Mr Pedantic.
"What happens if you don't complete community service in California?
Failure to complete the hours as ordered may result in the issuance of a
warrant for your arrest."


"Los Angeles courts force roughly 100,000 people to do weeks and even months
of "community service" each year"


Point. Set. Match.
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Scout
Now, Swill, are you really sure you want to stick up for the fool known as
Are you really sure you want to keep making a fool of yourself?
I'll take that to mean "yes, you are".
Governor Swill
2024-09-24 21:14:10 UTC
I need to return this chain saw.

Was there a problem with it?

Yeah, I bought it to trim a tree but it turns out the tree is too thick.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

09) Trump's White House interfered with the FBI investigation
into Kavanaugh's sexual assaults.
10) Trump is a felon, convicted on 34 counts of business fraud.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-24 21:54:48 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Was there a problem with it?
It's a little man Ball thing...

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party and a few dozen other socks wrote:

Multiple death threats against Trump:

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
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X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
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Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
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Post by Governor Swill
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Governor Swill
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

2024-09-24 10:52:38 UTC
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 13:42:44 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by pothead
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Been to N. Korea lately?
How about China?
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the
No, he claimed that no one can be required to do a job they don't wish to
do... I pointed to examples that refuted his claims.
He tried to assert they didn't count.
Meanwhile I can point to people who were jailed, as in thrown in prison,
because they didn't do a job because they apparently decided they didn't
want to.
Now, Swill, are you really sure you want to stick up for the fool known as
Given that Swilly is about as bad as Joel I suspect that he will.
2024-09-24 15:58:31 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 13:42:44 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:36:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
I'm not talking about those countries.
I see, so you're cherry picking only examples that support your claims.
that's dishonest.
His conversation was about the United States. Pothead tried to change the
No, he claimed that no one can be required to do a job they don't wish to
do... I pointed to examples that refuted his claims.
He tried to assert they didn't count.
Meanwhile I can point to people who were jailed, as in thrown in prison,
because they didn't do a job because they apparently decided they didn't
want to.
Now, Swill, are you really sure you want to stick up for the fool known as
Given that Swilly is about as bad as Joel I suspect that he will.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-25 11:41:29 UTC
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
2024-09-25 14:08:45 UTC
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
I would say 21 as that is the age in which they are fully and adult and the
parents no longer have any say, or responsibility, for their actions.
2024-09-25 15:04:24 UTC
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Governor Swill
2024-09-25 23:26:33 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Much like 'partial birth' abortion.

Republicans aren't pro children, they're pro birth.
Once that baby is in utero, they don't care if you have health care.
What do they care about pre natal care?
They don't.
And once that baby's born, they don't want that baby on welfare.
They don't want that baby to have access to health care.
And when that kid's in school, they don't want them to have access to free food.
They don't want there to be government sponsored maternity and paternity leave.
They don't want there to be government sponsored daycare facilities so that we
can have a better daycare program here in the United States.
They don't give a shit what happens to your kids.
They don't give a shit so much that hey will actually not even pass gun
legislation, even though the number one killer of children in this country is
not cancer it's actually guns.
They don't do anything to extend the lives of children.
They don't do anything to make the lives of children better.
They don't care about kids. What they care about is controlling women.
And that's it. That's what they care about. They care about controlling women.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.
2024-09-26 11:07:08 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
2024-09-26 16:41:03 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
I know what I'm talking about, I was referring to within the U.S.,
though, it should be noted.
Post by NoBody
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 17:09:24 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
itations please?
I know what I'm talking about,
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 17:18:35 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 17:44:58 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
I'm not God.

But His will will come to pass.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 17:59:58 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 18:23:48 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 19:03:35 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 19:31:57 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Oh does it, where?
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 19:37:43 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Oh does it, where?
Loading Image...
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-27 17:51:39 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Oh does it, where?
Ref: "anti-christ"
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-26 21:37:15 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Yes it does. It talks about how Jesus dealt with you.

Mark 5:1-5

They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When
Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the
tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could
bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the
irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself
with stones.

Didn't know you were strong enough to break chains, though.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 21:53:53 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Yes it does. It talks about how Jesus dealt with you.
Mark 5:1-5
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When
Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the
tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could
bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the
irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself
with stones.
Didn't know you were strong enough to break chains, though.
The Gadderine's swine episode, good citation.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 22:18:45 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Yes it does. It talks about how Jesus dealt with you.
Mark 5:1-5
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When
Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the
tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could
bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the
irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself
with stones.
Didn't know you were strong enough to break chains, though.
OK boomer.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-26 22:29:55 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Yes it does. It talks about how Jesus dealt with you.
Mark 5:1-5
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When
Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the
tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could
bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the
irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself
with stones.
Didn't know you were strong enough to break chains, though.
OK boomer.
Hey, I'd be angry that Jesus did such a shitty job fixing you.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 15:10:31 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
Yes it does. It talks about how Jesus dealt with you.
Mark 5:1-5
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When
Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the
tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could
bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the
irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself
with stones.
Didn't know you were strong enough to break chains, though.
OK boomer.
Hey, I'd be angry that Jesus did such a shitty job fixing you.
That may be in the Father's purview yet.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-27 17:51:08 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
You are not of God, that much is evident.
Guess again, I'm the second coming of Christ. The New Testament talks
explicitly about me.
That would be the anti-christ then.

Meanwhile, let's just add this to the list of things you're delusional
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 19:59:35 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
I'm not God.
But His will will come to pass.
Look at my first and last initials below - I definitely am doing "His"
Just so you know, this is the troll you're responding to.

Loran - ***@invalid.net Message-ID: <v3q8fm$12ehe$***@dont-email.me>

C_V <***@invalid.net> Message-ID: <v73tgn$qk96$***@dont-email.me>

CLV <***@invalid.org> Message-ID: <v6k71u$1h434$***@dont-email.me>

Chips Loral <***@invalid.co> Message-ID:

Convair <***@invalid.cz> Message-ID: <v7e6r3$32qaf$***@dont-email.me>

Lil dwarf Rudey <***@invalid.org> - Message-ID:

De-Trois-Leaning <***@invalid.net> - Message-ID: <vd17iu$3nd5q$***@dont-email.me>

Mittens Romney <***@invalid.ut> Message-ID:
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 40 days.

13) Trump disbanded the National Security Council's
pandemic response team.

14) Trump repeatedly lied about the danger of covid
saying it was no worse than the flue or that it would
go away on its own.

But behind closed doors, Trump admitted it was deadly.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-26 20:04:55 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Just so you know, this is the troll you're responding to.
Choose your cell #.

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party and a few dozen other socks wrote:

@Multiple death threats against Trump@

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 55
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 31
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$***@dont-email.me>
References: <v54h6j$39cuk$***@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$***@dont-email.me>
<v5df1n$1caue$***@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$***@dont-email.me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
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User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:PNoPW9d+9gKJj0fX+YCk+YFslQg=
Content-Language: en-US
In-Reply-To: <O9acnRiefIZol-***@giganews.com>
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918
Post by Governor Swill
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Governor Swill
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

2024-09-26 18:36:39 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
I know what I'm talking about [regarding gender transition ages],
You are a worthless leftarded lying cunt - fuck off and die!
You can make me, if you think you can.
If you need directions.. I can assist
2024-09-27 10:54:35 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
I know what I'm talking about, I was referring to within the U.S.,
though, it should be noted.
So you can't support your claim??
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
I'm glad we agree!
2024-09-27 14:49:11 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
It's [GAC surgery] never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
I know what I'm talking about, I was referring to within the U.S.,
though, it should be noted.
So you can't support your claim??
I defy you to refute it.
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
I'm glad we agree!
We do not.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-28 13:15:44 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
It's [GAC surgery] never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
I know what I'm talking about, I was referring to within the U.S.,
though, it should be noted.
So you can't support your claim??
I defy you to refute it.
Refute what? You've made an unsupported claim.

I don't do the homework of liberals.
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by NoBody
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
I'm glad we agree!
We do not.

2024-09-26 20:47:41 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Citations please?
Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18 either.
Exactly. They can't get a tattoo, but they can take chemical
castration drugs.
🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈Jen🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈 Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
2024-09-27 12:45:50 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 07:07:08 -0400, LO AND BEHOLD; NoBody
<***@nowhere.com> determined that the following was of great
importance to NoBody <***@nowhere.com> and subsequently decided to
freely share it with us in

=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= On Wed, 25 Sep 2024 11:04:24 -0400, Joel <***@gmail.com> wrote:
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= kami <***@0f0.00f> wrote:
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age of 18
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= should be allowed to cut their peepee.
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= =?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= Citations please? Honestly hormone therapy should not be used before 18
=?UTF-8?B?8J+Ps++4j+KAjfCfjIg=?= either.

Perhaps it is you who need to cite the number of times that this thing has happened that you seek to prevent, and for what reason you jackals want your government stepping into people's private elective medical decisions.
"I've spoken against CPS many times. That I realize that they were 100% correct in regards to you doesn't mean I'm pro-CPS." - Kent Wills doesn't like Child Protection Services getting in his way of abusing children.

"Greg has made it very clear he likes little girls. And not in a sexually healthy way." - Kent Wills believes that there's a "sexually healthy" way to be a pedophile.

"I'm actually glad it's out in the open now, it's a lot of weight to bear. Some will graciously accept that, and some probably won't. It makes it real easy to know who's worth regarding as a friend. Those few remaining haters hide behind socks... I wonder why?" - Checkmate AKA "Rick Sabian" AKA "Morphing Fuckwit" AKA "automatic tranny" AKA "jen der queer" AKA "***@and.prosper" AKA "FOAD <***@grnail.corn>" AKA "Destiny <***@bucket.list>" AKA "DAVID KEETING <***@ass.worm>" AKA "f4c3411 <***@f37l5h.corn>" AKA "<"Hunter's Dildo <***@uPPa.yOOaSS>" >" AKA "Mustafa Sheboygan" AKA "Peter, the Booty Judge" <***@> AKA "Mund Harmonika <***@>" AKA "Mundharmonika <***@>" AKA "% <%@hotmale.com>" AKA "Checkmate <***@soon.corn>" AKA "Mundharmonika <***@MOUTH.ORGAN>" AKA "Mundharmonika <***@127.O.O.1>" AKA "Tard Wrangler <***@alphamale.corn>" hates when people hate pedo rapists. He wants friends who like pedo rapists. Write that down and don't forget it! <https://groups.google.com/g/alt.checkmate/c/2VcCBNwMdeo/m/A0wpvxZRAAAJ>

"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <***@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <***@news.altopia.com>

"Yeah, but you think everybody's Greg. There are a couple people here who can't resist responding to everything the aSSwurm or the Pussy Willow says. It does me no good to plonk aSSwurm and Pussy Willow if I still have to wade through a hundred inane posts a day involving those two assholes, so now I've plonked the chronic responders as well. They'll figure it out, and then they can make a choice... exchange stupid drivel with those two, or have more intelligent and interesting conversations with me. I know damned well Greg got sick of all that shit, and now I'm sick of it too. Those who choose to get led around by the lowest common denominator are fucking up AC and every other group they play that game in. If that's the kind of Usenet they want, they can wallow in the same slop as the two retards elsewhere, because they're only contributing to fucking this group up too. I can take or leave this shit, because I have plenty to keep me occupied with my room addition project, and it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than exchanging baby talk with the likes of the aSSwurm. May his fucking worthless AIDS-infested carcass drop fucking dead ASAP and quit wasting oxygen. To sum it up, talk to those two idiots elsewhere, or they'll probably be the only people left to talk to here." One can only presume that Jim and Creon/Vallor have solved this problem and are together in a private chat "having more intelligent and interesting conversations" instead of these "Civil" calls for shunning and authoritative control of discussion. As Seen on TV : <***@news.altopia.com>

"I'm pretty sure all gods are fictional, I'm smart enough to not proclaim I know this." - Kwills is only smart enough to doubt himself while arguing that a belief in imaginary made-up gods can't just be ignored as "mental illness" in <***@4ax.com>

"If you worried half as much about your own personal life as you do everyone else's, you might almost be tolerable, obsessed stalker." -James "Checkmate" Gorman, in perhaps the most ironic and mentally-challenged statement ever made on Usenet. <***@usnews.blocknews.net>

"Trying to diminish others doesn't make you look any better. In fact, it does quite the opposite. Why are you always so bitter and angry? Do you have AIDS or something like so many other tranny girls do?" -James "Checkmate" Gorman in <***@test.blocknews.net>

"You should see my archive on you" -James "Checkmate" Gorman teases us with his "dosser" in <***@usnews.blocknews.net>

"Sorry, nothing to see here. The joint wasn't as bad as they say, but I'm not looking to go back. I'm a model citizen, clean as a whistle. I've owned my own home for 12 years, owned my own business almost as long, don't bother anyone and they don't bother me. You have nothing in any "police report" pertaining to me. Don't you think they would have "come a-knockin" a long time ago if they had any reason to? You're delusional and paranoid, and I have to wonder why.

Oh... I should mention that there are a LOT of trannies in prison. I don't know why, but there are. The State even has to give them hormone shots for their tiddies at taxpayer's expense, and they wear bras and panties. I found everything about them revolting. That's why the whole "Bubba" thing is almost completely a myth, except in cell living. That shit wouldn't fly in a 100-man dorm, but trust me, those little trollops find ways to serve the willing when the lights go out. You see something, you keep your mouth shut about it because that way you don't get in a wreck. I never partook in such activities because the whole idea is just repulsive. I think that's a big part of what I don't like about you. I've seen how they act and I've talked to a few... total drama queens in every sense." -James "Checkmate" Gorman reminisces about prison in <***@usnews.blocknews.net>

"Not true. I've seen square waves on the oscilloscope from some certain generator. Square waves can be created from other than sine waves. Sine waves aren't everything (or anything you sick pervert %), I think that's the point you are missing. - Mathemagician "Lane Larson" in <939d6741-df96-5f2e-a444-***@stoat.inhoin.edu> seems to argue that square wave generators must use Fourier transforms "of course" to generate "almost" square waves... in his feeble attempt to quash my assertion that "square waves do not exist in reality" in post <=3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DKWuXdYTXCQ5ApC$@>.

"Colour me fanboi, oh yes indeed. I'm a fanboi who is proudly content to be just that." - ***@gmail.com (Sn!pe) in <1qx4ikk.c8jzw919si6cmN%***@gmail.com>

Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016

BEGIN: Official Guarantee of PWNerShip
END: Official Guarantee of PWNerShip
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-27 13:30:23 UTC
[Default] ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ????????????????????
Post by 🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈Jen🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈 Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
Perhaps it is you who need to cite the number of times that this thing has happened that you seek to prevent, and for what reason you jackals want your government stepping into people's private elective medical decisions.
"If we can save just one child..."

So how much child abuse and child mutilation are you willing to
2024-09-27 14:54:56 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
[Default] ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ????????????????????
Post by 🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈Jen🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈 Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
Perhaps it is you who need to cite the number of times that this thing has happened that you seek to prevent, and for what reason you jackals want your government stepping into people's private elective medical decisions.
"If we can save just one child..."
So how much child abuse and child mutilation are you willing to
If you think about what a low percentage of 16-17 year-old individuals
have GAC surgery (i.e., a percentage of the percentage that are trans
in the first place), and the fact that they're old enough to drive,
maybe you'd stop being so stupid.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-27 18:02:26 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
[Default] ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ????????????????????
Post by 🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈Jen🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈 Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈
Perhaps it is you who need to cite the number of times that this thing
has happened that you seek to prevent, and for what reason you jackals
want your government stepping into people's private elective medical
"If we can save just one child..."
So how much child abuse and child mutilation are you willing to
If you think about what a low percentage of 16-17 year-old individuals
have GAC surgery (i.e., a percentage of the percentage that are trans
in the first place), and the fact that they're old enough to drive,
maybe you'd stop being so stupid.
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?

After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
Governor Swill
2024-09-27 19:42:14 UTC
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 39 days.

15) Recommended Fake COVID cures like injecting disinfectant or
hydroxychloroquine. After the injection comments, poison centers
received a spike in calls.

16) Trump presided over a *net* loss of 2.9 million jobs.
That's the worst performance of any President, ever.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-27 19:49:05 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
In what state is that the legal
Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party and a few dozen other socks wrote:

@Multiple death threats against Trump@

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 55
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 31
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$***@dont-email.me>
References: <v54h6j$39cuk$***@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$***@dont-email.me>
<v5df1n$1caue$***@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$***@dont-email.me>
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Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info: dont-email.me;
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:PNoPW9d+9gKJj0fX+YCk+YFslQg=
Content-Language: en-US
In-Reply-To: <O9acnRiefIZol-***@giganews.com>
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918
Post by Governor Swill
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Governor Swill
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

Chris Ahlstrom
2024-09-27 23:56:59 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
In whatever state has rural areas that the cops don't cover. :-)

"My kid Jeeter really knows how to handle a combine!"
Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.
-- Irene Peter
Charlie Glock
2024-09-28 00:38:01 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
In whatever state has rural areas that the cops don't cover. :-)
"My kid Jeeter really knows how to handle a combine!"
Being a child of a soy boy like you Chris Ahlstrom I doubt your kid could handle the flush handle in your bathroom.
Assuming you do have running water and I have doubts about that.
Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
- Thomas Jefferson 1776
2024-09-28 01:20:43 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
In whatever state has rural areas that the cops don't cover. :-)
"My kid Jeeter really knows how to handle a combine!"
Being a child of a soy boy like you Chris Ahlstrom I doubt your kid could handle the flush handle in your bathroom.
Assuming you do have running water and I have doubts about that.
we use an outhouse until it gets too cold
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-09-28 10:50:38 UTC
Post by %
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
In whatever state has rural areas that the cops don't cover. :-)
"My kid Jeeter really knows how to handle a combine!"
Being a child of a soy boy like you Chris Ahlstrom I doubt your kid could
handle the flush handle in your bathroom. Assuming you do have running
water and I have doubts about that.
we use an outhouse until it gets too cold
Heck, I do some of my best writing on "the throne"! :-D

So does he:


(AI generated)

In the high aesthetic video clip, the main subject, Donald Trump, is
captured in a moment of privacy, engaged in the act of texting on his
mobile device while seated on a toilet. The toilet lid is depicted in an
open position, adding to the sense of informality and immediacy. The camera
angle likely focuses on the upper body and face of Trump, showcasing his
expressions and movements as he interacts with his phone. His pants are
depicted as being lowered to his ankles, a detail that adds to the informal
and somewhat vulnerable portrayal of the figure.

The surrounding environment presents a stark contrast, with the opulence of
gold fixtures in the bathroom juxtaposed against the decrepit and unclean
ambiance of a gas station. The presence of toilet paper scattered around
the room suggests a chaotic or neglected setting, further emphasizing the
dissonance between the luxurious fixtures and the squalor of the location.

The camera settings might be adjusted to highlight the textures and details
of both the luxurious bathroom and the grimy gas station, possibly using a
high dynamic range to capture the intricate designs of the gold fixtures
and the grittiness of the surroundings. The lighting would be carefully
managed to ensure the scene maintains its aesthetic quality, with perhaps a
focus on the subject's face to capture his emotions while the rest of the
scene remains in soft focus or chiaroscuro lighting to accentuate the
aesthetic tension.

Throughout the clip, the subject's hair is shown in a state of disarray,
adding to the sense of informality and perhaps contributing to the overall
narrative or thematic elements of the film. The aesthetic presentation of
the video is paramount, with attention to color grading, composition, and
lighting that elevates the ordinary setting to a cinematic experience.
If the thunder don't get you, then the lightning will.
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-09-28 11:13:03 UTC
Oops I did it again. Dang.
Someone is speaking well of you.

How unusual!
2024-09-28 12:52:36 UTC
zZombie(%): we use an outhouse until it gets too cold

That must be tough when King Charles visits.

I weigh ~240 lbs; I drink ~1 gallon of water per day;
also, I piss ~1 gallon/day.
Governor Swill
2024-09-28 09:21:13 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 13:02:26 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
So you're saying kids as young as 12 and possibly even lower should be
allowed to undergo irreversible life altering surgery?
After all, since they can drive that must make them old enough, right?
12 is not old enough to drive. In what state is that the legal driving age?
In whatever state has rural areas that the cops don't cover. :-)
"My kid Jeeter really knows how to handle a combine!"
Being a child of a soy boy like you Chris Ahlstrom I doubt your kid could handle the flush handle in your bathroom.
Assuming you do have running water and I have doubts about that.
That doesn't answer the question, Cuck.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 38 days.

17) Trump profited personally off the Presidency making an
estimated $160M from foreign countries.

18) Trump billed the Secret Service over a million dollars
when they stayed at his golf clubs and resorts protecting him.
2024-09-26 15:02:13 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by kami
again cant find the original, but i think only those over the age
of 18 should be allowed to cut their peepee.
It's never done below the age of 16, rarely before 18. This isn't a
real problem, just a rhetorical point for the phobes, dishonestly.
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.

If it must be done let the court ordered and the Court will need to pay for
this massively expenses unnecessary elective cosmetic surgery and any future
costs than may result from it.

Between 18-21 I'm not sure how that would work, but if the parents say 'no'
then the above conditions above would apply. If they chose to proceed, then
a Court would have to render an independent judgment for the minor as to the
acceptability of such, and the parents would have to accept whatever
current and future costs and liabilities that might exist due to this to
whatever amount the judge decides. If they don't like that decision they can
still say 'no'.

After 21 the person can mutilate their body however they want as long as
they can afford to pay for it. The parents would have no legal obligation to
be involved or provide funds to do so nor would they ever be liable for such
a decision or the ramifications of that decision even if taken to court, as
they are now a legal adult and totally responsible for their own decisions
and the consequences of those decisions.

In short. once you are a legal adult you can make your own decisions and
assume the expense and results of those decisions.

As a minor, your parents/law decide. If it's a matter of law, then the
parents should not be liable for any part of it, including monetary.
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 16:39:05 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:02:13 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.
Imo the age should be 21 with a minimum five year counseling program to be sure
this is the correct decision.

Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 40 days.

13) Trump disbanded the National Security Council's
pandemic response team.

14) Trump repeatedly lied about the danger of covid
saying it was no worse than the flue or that it would
go away on its own.

But behind closed doors, Trump admitted it was deadly.
2024-09-26 17:06:19 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:02:13 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.
Imo the age should be 21 with a minimum five year counseling program to be sure
this is the correct decision.
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 17:09:47 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Is your fake pussy working yet?
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 17:19:29 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Is your fake pussy working yet?
I'm not trans. But if I were, I wouldn't need a "fake pussy", because
having this surgery isn't what makes one genuinely trans.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 17:44:27 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Is your fake pussy working yet?
I'm not trans. But if I were,

I knew you had a man-pussy.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 17:58:21 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Is your fake pussy working yet?
I'm not trans. But if I were,
I knew you had a man-pussy.
You mean my ass? I've long since admitted being more of a bottom.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
Mittens Romney
2024-09-26 18:23:11 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Is your fake pussy working yet?
I'm not trans. But if I were,
I knew you had a man-pussy.
You mean my ass? I've long since admitted being more of a bottom.

<gag reflex>
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-26 20:12:18 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Is your fake pussy working yet?
I'm not trans. But if I were, I wouldn't need a "fake pussy", because
having this surgery isn't what makes one genuinely trans.
There is no such thing as "genuinely trans". If you were born with a
dick you are a male. This is settled.
2024-09-26 18:35:34 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:02:13 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.
Imo the age should be 21 with a minimum five year counseling program to be sure
this is the correct decision.
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
Good thing too.. We don't need more idiots in the world.
2024-09-26 20:10:28 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Governor Swill
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:02:13 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.
Imo the age should be 21 with a minimum five year counseling program to be sure
this is the correct decision.
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
And that's why you aren't me.
and we are grateful that there is only one of you.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-26 17:11:55 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
You take a gander at your history here:

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party and a few dozen other socks wrote:

@Multiple death threats against Trump@

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 55
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 31
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$***@dont-email.me>
References: <v54h6j$39cuk$***@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$***@dont-email.me>
<v5df1n$1caue$***@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$***@dont-email.me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info: dont-email.me;
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:PNoPW9d+9gKJj0fX+YCk+YFslQg=
Content-Language: en-US
In-Reply-To: <O9acnRiefIZol-***@giganews.com>
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918
Post by Governor Swill
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Governor Swill
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

2024-09-26 18:35:03 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:02:13 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Frankly it should be illegal below 18. Under 18 it's child abuse. It is
unnecessary and purely elective cosmetic surgery.
Imo the age should be 21 with a minimum five year counseling program to be sure
this is the correct decision.
Well once they are 21 and sign a quit claim against any liability to anyone
and everything. It's on them. I would hope they would deeply and seriously
examine the consequences of this, but as long as they don't try to blame or
hold others liable for their decision... to the point they could be sued if
they attempt to do so... I'm good with it. Let them come out and tell the
others how stupid they were and how this is NOT the thing to do. Would do
far more than anything we could come up with to advise them.
Post by Governor Swill
Further, the patient must live as their chosen gender for at least three full
years before any transition surgery should be attempted.
I would hope they are already doing so, but once they are 21 and assume sole
and total liability for their choices and actions.. They can skydive off a
bridge with a rope tied to their dick.. for all I care. Indeed, they could
become the best advocates AGAINST this.. Sometimes you have to let people
screw it up because that's the only way they will see just how bad it is. As
long as they aren't dragging down the rest of us. go for it. I will sit on
the beach with a drink watching.
2024-09-20 13:35:15 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Joel
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Spoiler alert, this is hysterical cherry-picking of people who
detransitioned, it's not related to the meaningful data on
transitions' success.
It illustrates exactly why we should outlaw this hideous process and
imprison any doctors and nurses who perform it.
For life.
That's authoritarian.
And yet you have no problems with authority REQUIRING they do so?
If one is authoritarianism.. then so is the other.
No one can be required to do a job they don't wish to do.
Better check the law, because you can be thrown in jail for that.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-09-19 07:39:32 UTC
Oh, the humanity! Will no one think of the poor customers?
2024-09-19 13:15:39 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Trump's daughter had this surgery.

They call it 'Barron' now.

The most woke of 'em all.
2024-09-19 17:07:57 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
"I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs."
You got exactly what you demanded....