The Obama / Harris deception on Biden's watch.
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public enemies
2024-09-23 02:21:15 UTC
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it

Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.

This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.

These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.

Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
2024-09-23 02:38:14 UTC
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
So, how do you consume your meth?
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-23 13:22:26 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
So, how do you consume your meth?
Joel is always looking for tips about his drug use....
Trump - Inmate Number P01135809
2024-09-23 03:24:19 UTC
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Trump's a twice impeached multiple felon serial liar and rapist.

Anything more you stupid slavic Russian cocksucker?
2024-09-23 11:53:54 UTC
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
2024-09-24 13:19:44 UTC
Post by kami
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
Excellent.. and we don't want to hear how such people can't find work, and
we certainly should not pay those people because they won't get a job. Nor
should we pay their debt because they can't make as much as they think they
Dave Wainwright
2024-09-25 18:48:17 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by kami
Obama has always been a friend of faggots.  He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
Excellent.. and we don't want to hear how such people can't find work,
and we certainly should not pay those people because they won't get a
job. Nor should we pay their debt because they can't make as much as
they think they should.
We should not be paying for their housing, health care, education,
illegal drug consumption, child care, clothing, food, transportation,
legal fees, and more - yet we are.

What happened to America first?
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 02:01:16 UTC
Post by Dave Wainwright
Post by Scout
Post by kami
Obama has always been a friend of faggots.  He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
George Bush: They work hard for a chance at a better life.
Post by Dave Wainwright
Post by Scout
Post by kami
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
Ronald Reagan: Thanks to a new wave of arrivals to this land of opportunity,
we're a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas and
always cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality
is vital to our future as a nation.
Post by Dave Wainwright
Post by Scout
Excellent.. and we don't want to hear how such people can't find work,
and we certainly should not pay those people because they won't get a
job. Nor should we pay their debt because they can't make as much as
they think they should.
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, has 30
Haitian employees. "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they don't
have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas. They
come here to work."
Post by Dave Wainwright
We should not be paying for their housing, health care, education,
illegal drug consumption, child care, clothing, food, transportation,
legal fees, and more - yet we are.
All lies promoted by racist elements of the right.
Post by Dave Wainwright
What happened to America first?
Allowing large numbers of immigrants in *is* putting America first. You're
confusing 'America First' with 'White America Only'.

Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.
2024-09-24 13:31:38 UTC
Post by kami
Post by public enemies
Obama has always been a friend of faggots. He cooked up the tranny
rights deception, Harris helped by hiring Obama retreads to get it
Under the cloak of outrage over tranny activism in schools, Obama's
other goal of integration and white suppression by immigration was put
into action.
This resulted in millions of 3rd world country noncontributing trash
being dumped in the USA.
These unskilled, mostly criminal "migrants" have cost the USA billions
of dollars and resulted in stores locking everything down so Americans
must beg to buy them.
Obama, Harris, Biden and anyone voting for them, are enemies of the USA
and should be executed when identified.
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
As long as we don't have to support those Americans because they won't get a
job.. fine by me.
2024-09-24 19:43:26 UTC
Post by kami
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
Fine, if they behave and carry their weight. The Mexicans have done
that, as a rule. Haitians and Venezuelans I don't know about.
"You're an intellectually dishonest twat, like most of your cola
brethren. You idiots wrongly think you can redefine 'personal
computing' to include Android smart phones." - DumFSck, every line a
2024-09-25 11:17:20 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by kami
i think its great usa has imported a lot of cheap labor, you need
construction workers, nannies, garbage collectors etc. to run the
place, normal people cant be expected to do all that.
Fine, if they behave and carry their weight. The Mexicans have done
that, as a rule. Haitians and Venezuelans I don't know about.
In aggregate, we already know that they do behave: statistically, they
have a lower crime rate than native-born Americans. That makes one
fewer thing to be afraid of.

Similarly, most want to work and do so, as some portion of political
refugees are actually 'opportunity' motivated, but know that they have
to try to make the refugee claim because the US immigration system is so
broken. Likewise, they know that even if their refugee case is rejected
(IIRC, roughly 98% of them) and they're deported, the GOP's strangling
of immigration court funding has resulted in a huge backlog, which means
that they will have had a good 3-5 years working legally in the US
during that wait time that they've survived on.

For work ethic, both Haitians & Venezuelans do well (eg Springfield OH).
Many had a very tough time just to get to the US; a good number risked
the crossing of the deadly Darién Gap in Panama, which shows just how
determined they are for making a better life for themselves. Simply
put, they want to be model citizens because they don't want to go back.

2024-09-25 12:33:49 UTC
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
2024-09-25 18:09:38 UTC
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s

And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in

“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property



“AUGUST 8, 2024 12:00PM
US Citizens Were 80.2 Percent of Crossers with Fentanyl at Ports of Entry
from 2019 to 2024”


Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
But in his own little mind, I’m the “fsking” asshole

2024-09-25 21:32:35 UTC
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.



Here's a study of Sweden.

"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."

And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
Did it. Here's something on the Haitians:

Charlie Glock
2024-09-25 21:54:29 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.
Here's a study of Sweden.
"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."
And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
Sweden is paying the migrants $34,000 USD to leave the country.
That's how bad things have gotten there.

Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
- Thomas Jefferson 1776
2024-09-25 22:30:34 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by chrisv
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.
Here's a study of Sweden.
"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."
And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
Sweden is paying the migrants $34,000 USD to leave the country.
That's how bad things have gotten there.
12 hours
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 02:30:03 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Sweden is paying the migrants $34,000 USD to leave the country.
That's how bad things have gotten there.
They don't know what to do with them. There aren't enough jobs but the social
net liabilities are higher. Let them come here.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 02:28:31 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.
Here's a study of Sweden.
"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."
Germany and Sweden are not the US. The immigrants they're dealing with are not
Christian and they come from places with radically different cultures.

Our immigrants come here for opportunity. Their immigrants came there to escape

In the US, we have more deliberately integrated our immigrants into our economy,
then our society. This has not happened in Europe. Their economies are not as
strong as ours and they don't have the jobs we do but do have stronger social
safety nets.

Europe has traditionally been a place people migrated out of, not into, and
usually to America. We have a tradition if in-migration from Euro-centric
cultures. It's the very foundation of our nation. And what are Hispanics from
our hemisphere but Euro-centric cultures?

Europe has been the source of hundreds of minicultures. There, Swedes and
Norwegians are very different and their respective cultures deeply ingrained and
embedded. In Europe, calling a Basque French or Spanish might start a
fistfight. In America, nobody can tell a Swede from a Pole and we have a vast
nation all sharing one culture.

These are reasons why they are having trouble integrating their immigrants that
we don't have trouble with.
Post by chrisv
And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
This is not objective data. This is a bigot ranting at the local council. We
don't know who he is or even if this actually came from a Springfield council
meeting. (Btw, the famous cat eating picture from Springfield was actually
taken in Canton and she was tending an injured animal - not eating it.)

Nobody is more at the forefront of the illegal migration issue than Texas, yet
even Texas admits that crime is committed BY FAR more by native born than by
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.
2024-09-26 21:02:27 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.
Here's a study of Sweden.
"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."
Germany and Sweden are not the US. The immigrants they're dealing with are not
Christian and they come from places with radically different cultures.
We've plenty of Muslims coming here, too.
Post by Governor Swill
Our immigrants come here for opportunity. Their immigrants came there to escape
What nonsense. The vast majority are "economic" migrants, there and

Funny how they almost all are military-aged men, too. Seems that
women and children would be represented more, if it was "escapte form
Post by Governor Swill
In the US, we have more deliberately integrated our immigrants into our economy,
then our society. This has not happened in Europe. Their economies are not as
strong as ours and they don't have the jobs we do but do have stronger social
safety nets.
We *used to* be able to integrate them. That's failing, with the
current flood.
Post by Governor Swill
Europe has traditionally been a place people migrated out of, not into, and
usually to America. We have a tradition if in-migration from Euro-centric
cultures. It's the very foundation of our nation. And what are Hispanics from
our hemisphere but Euro-centric cultures?
Europe has been the source of hundreds of minicultures. There, Swedes and
Norwegians are very different and their respective cultures deeply ingrained and
embedded. In Europe, calling a Basque French or Spanish might start a
fistfight. In America, nobody can tell a Swede from a Pole and we have a vast
nation all sharing one culture.
These are reasons why they are having trouble integrating their immigrants that
we don't have trouble with.
We are having the same troubles.
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
This is not objective data. This is a bigot ranting at the local council.
Classic. Anyone who complains is a "bigot".
Post by Governor Swill
Nobody is more at the forefront of the illegal migration issue than Texas, yet
even Texas admits that crime is committed BY FAR more by native born than by
Cite, please.
2024-09-27 15:19:39 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
Post by -hh
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
Nah, those are Nth generation immigrants who’ve become hypocrite MAGA
Republicans. /s
No they're not.
Yes, chrisv personally is being an Nth generation immigrant hypocrite.
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
Here's a study of Sweden.
"58 per cent of those suspect fortotal crime on reasonable grounds are
migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the
figures are 73 percent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per
cent. Non-registered migrants are linkedto about 13 per cent of total
crime. Given the fact that this group is small, crime propensity among
non-registered migrants is significant."
Germany and Sweden are not the US.
Precisely, for the topic was US immigrants, but chrisv is "honestly" /s
trying to change the topic by cherrypicking other countries. Naturally,
he'll also run away from doing an "all countries" analysis.
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
The immigrants they're dealing with are not Christian and
they come from places with radically different cultures.
IMO, its more the latter than the former: they come from places which
have had dictators & strongmen, not representative democracies, so
they're not familiar with the difference in social norms that transcend
what religion one happens to be.
Post by chrisv
We've plenty of Muslims coming here, too.
"Plenty" as in a raw count, or as a percentage of the total? Because
this is a classical red herring strategy to use one to imply the other:

so just what is the % of Muslims present in our present illegal
borderwall jumping immigrants, chrisv? Got cite?

I'm curious to see what the % is, because many of those US immigrants
are coming from Latin America, which is majority Christian countries:

"The majority of Latin Americans are Christians (90%),[2] mostly Roman
Catholics.[5][1].... According to the detailed Pew Research Center
multi-country survey in 2014, 69% of the Latin American population is
Catholic and 19% is Protestant, rising to 22% in Brazil and over 40% in
much of Central America."

Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Our immigrants come here for opportunity. Their immigrants came there to escape
What nonsense. The vast majority are "economic" migrants, there and
Of course, the two factors aren't exclusionary. Europe's emigrants have
largely been fleeing conflict zones in Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey,
Africa, and of course Ukraine:

Post by chrisv
Funny how they almost all are military-aged men, too. Seems that
women and children would be represented more, if it was "escapte form
Funny how the ones I personally saw in Copenhagen's train station were

Of course, what chrisv might be referring to was Russia's weaponization
of refugees against bordering countries like Finland:

"During the [20230 autumn, Finland experienced a sudden influx of
hundreds of migrants attempting to cross the border. They came from
distant countries, such as Somalia, Iraq, Yemen and Syria, and were
coaxed by Russian authorities into making the trip to the other side.
The November crisis, widely perceived to be a concentrated effort by the
Kremlin to sow chaos in the NATO state, led to the closure of all
crossing points."


"Over the last two months, Arab migrants have overwhelmed border
crossings between Russia and Finland. Much like the scenario at the
Polish-Belarusian border, these migrants are brought to the border in
organized groups, and Russian border guards then provide them with
bicycles....In discussions with migrants and their helpers, The Insider
uncovered that the surge of refugees isn't just happening with knowledge
but is entirely under the control of Russian security forces.
Furthermore, there is confirmation that the crisis at the Finnish border
is orchestrated by the same entities responsible for the crisis on the
Poland-Belarus border."


Tl:DR: they're pawns in Russia's conducting of hybrid warfare.
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
In the US, we have more deliberately integrated our immigrants into our economy,
then our society. This has not happened in Europe. Their economies are not as
strong as ours and they don't have the jobs we do but do have stronger social
safety nets.
We *used to* be able to integrate them. That's failing, with the
current flood.
What proof do you have that we're unable to integrate them today?
After all, isn't your claim that there's ~20M of them already here?

With US domestic unemployment well under the classical definition of
"Full Employment" of 5%, there's zero legitimate basis to try to claim
that they're stealing jobs from American citizens.
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Europe has traditionally been a place people migrated out of, not into, and
usually to America. We have a tradition if in-migration from Euro-centric
cultures. It's the very foundation of our nation. And what are Hispanics from
our hemisphere but Euro-centric cultures?
Europe has been the source of hundreds of minicultures. There, Swedes and
Norwegians are very different and their respective cultures deeply ingrained and
embedded. In Europe, calling a Basque French or Spanish might start a
fistfight. In America, nobody can tell a Swede from a Pole and we have a vast
nation all sharing one culture.
These are reasons why they are having trouble integrating their immigrants that
we don't have trouble with.
We are having the same troubles.
Where? How much of these claims are being made by luzer CSA holdouts
who don't like anyone who's not white? Because demographically, the
non-white (and non-straight, non-protestant) portions of American
citizens are neither 2% nor recent arrivals, but have been omnipresent
within our society for 100+ years.

FYI, don't forget that historically, the USA's pre-1965 immigration
policy was that the US Southwest border was literally wide open to
Central American foreign nationals crossing the border as they pleased.
And they did so: migrant workers for crops came north to do the work in
the spring and went home to Mexico to overwinter, repeating that cycle
for close to a hundred years.
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
Post by -hh
And FYI, I can substantiate what I said about relative crime rates. Case in
“September 12, 2024
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public
Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested
for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are
arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for
violent and
drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property
So, about as bad as American blacks. Not good. Bad.
Post by -hh
Naturally, chrisv can’t … and won’t … actually support his claim with
objective data.
This is not objective data. This is a bigot ranting at the local council.
Classic. Anyone who complains is a "bigot".
Where's the evidence that he isn't a bigot? Because you're trying to
dodge addressing Swill's point that he made accusations which lacked
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Nobody is more at the forefront of the illegal migration issue than Texas, yet
even Texas admits that crime is committed BY FAR more by native born than by
Cite, please.
A fair point: chrisv has requested a substantiating citation.

FYI, I happened to find this in one quick search:


And something to note in it is the very low conviction rate from
arrests; call it roughly just one third (1/3rd).

The ramifications are that when better data is cited, we should note if
it is based on arrests vs actual convictions, because we know that there
are systematic enforcement biases, such as has already been commented
before in COLA such as the "Driving While Black" form of harassment.

Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 16:08:43 UTC
Post by -hh
And something to note in it is the very low conviction rate from
arrests; call it roughly just one third (1/3rd).
Well Goddamn Huntzy!

Ya think maybe they sneak back over the wide open border or just fail to
ever show up?

How many "Juans" doe sit take to create no Juans?

Ya dumb fucking TRAITOR!
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-27 17:26:59 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
And something to note in it is the very low conviction rate from arrests;
call it roughly just one third (1/3rd).
Well Goddamn Huntzy!
How many weren't convicted because they simply disappeared?
2024-09-27 21:17:36 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by -hh
And something to note in it is the very low conviction rate from
arrests; call it roughly just one third (1/3rd).
Well Goddamn Huntzy!
How many weren't convicted because they simply disappeared?
A reasonable question too.

Point is that all of the details in any statistic need to be reviewed,
often with a fine tooth comb, to see if these details are shaping the

Its part of the basis of "lies, damn lies, and statistics".

Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 21:52:45 UTC
Post by -hh
Post by Scout
How many weren't convicted because they simply disappeared?
A reasonable question too.
Point is that all of the details in any statistic need to be reviewed,
often with a fine tooth comb, to see if these details are shaping the
You're a treasonous scumbag just like Milley!


Border agents are warning of a new issue on our collapsing southern
border. The flood of illegal immigrants is now so overwhelming that
hundreds of people are simply walking away and disappearing into the US
because the Border Patrol doesn’t have the time and manpower to deal
with them.

On March 25, the Washington Times reported that the situation at the
US-Mexican border is so bad that agents just can’t deal with the volume
of illegal immigration anymore. Things were bad enough already with
thousands of migrants being released into the US by federal agencies,
and the Biden administration flying in thousands more directly from
their own countries. Now Border Patrol agents say there’s a new problem
— “walk-aways,” who just cross the border and walk into our towns and

Former FBI agent and Customs and Border Patrol acting commissioner Mark
Morgan told reporters that large groups of illegal immigrants are being
sent across the border by people traffickers and told to wait for US
agents to process them. The problem is that there aren’t enough agents
to cope with the volume of illegal border crossings; sometimes these
groups have to wait for days before Border Patrol can get around to
them, and a lot of them don’t wait that long. Instead, they just get up
and leave, either back into Mexico or — more often — into the US.

That means they’ve entered our country without even the basic processing
usually done by agents. We don’t know anything about them — who they
are, whether they have a criminal record, where they plan to go, or what
they plan to do.

San Diego Border Patrol sector chief Brent L Schwerdtfeger says because
these migrants aren’t in custody, they’re free to leave the groups they
crossed the border with “at any point prior to arrest.” The problem is
they aren’t being arrested, so they can just disappear into our society
and US law enforcement doesn’t even know they’re here. As Morgan — who
ran Border Patrol under the Trump administration — said, “What’s driving
85% of this crisis is bad policy.”
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-28 14:20:58 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
Post by -hh
Post by Scout
How many weren't convicted because they simply disappeared?
A reasonable question too.
Point is that all of the details in any statistic need to be reviewed,
often with a fine tooth comb, to see if these details are shaping the
You're a treasonous scumbag just like Milley!
Nope, just pointing out how partisan assholes will lie & deceive.

TL;DR: I tried to be reasonable with you.


Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 21:53:43 UTC
Post by -hh
A reasonable question too.
Point is that all of the details in any statistic need to be reviewed,
often with a fine tooth comb, to see if these details are shaping the
You're a treasonous scumbag just like Milley!


Border agents are warning of a new issue on our collapsing southern
border. The flood of illegal immigrants is now so overwhelming that
hundreds of people are simply walking away and disappearing into the US
because the Border Patrol doesn’t have the time and manpower to deal
with them.

On March 25, the Washington Times reported that the situation at the
US-Mexican border is so bad that agents just can’t deal with the volume
of illegal immigration anymore. Things were bad enough already with
thousands of migrants being released into the US by federal agencies,
and the Biden administration flying in thousands more directly from
their own countries. Now Border Patrol agents say there’s a new problem
— “walk-aways,” who just cross the border and walk into our towns and

Former FBI agent and Customs and Border Patrol acting commissioner Mark
Morgan told reporters that large groups of illegal immigrants are being
sent across the border by people traffickers and told to wait for US
agents to process them. The problem is that there aren’t enough agents
to cope with the volume of illegal border crossings; sometimes these
groups have to wait for days before Border Patrol can get around to
them, and a lot of them don’t wait that long. Instead, they just get up
and leave, either back into Mexico or — more often — into the US.

That means they’ve entered our country without even the basic processing
usually done by agents. We don’t know anything about them — who they
are, whether they have a criminal record, where they plan to go, or what
they plan to do.

San Diego Border Patrol sector chief Brent L Schwerdtfeger says because
these migrants aren’t in custody, they’re free to leave the groups they
crossed the border with “at any point prior to arrest.” The problem is
they aren’t being arrested, so they can just disappear into our society
and US law enforcement doesn’t even know they’re here. As Morgan — who
ran Border Patrol under the Trump administration — said, “What’s driving
85% of this crisis is bad policy.”
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
Governor Swill
2024-09-26 02:08:18 UTC
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
You see only what other right wing racists want you to see.

Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."

George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our

Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.

Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 43 days.

11) Trump's failed pandemic response caused the needless
deaths of hundreds of thousands. By the time he left office,
three thousand were dying every day.

12) Trump's White House scrapped the emergency pandemic
playbook that had been assembled by the Obama administration.
2024-09-26 20:56:20 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by chrisv
Simply put, they want to be model citizens
because they don't want to go back.
Bad logic. We see, all over the world, migrants becoming entitled
assholes, and being responsible for vastly disproportionate levels of
violent crime.
You see only what other right wing racists want you to see.
I stated only facts.
Post by Governor Swill
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."
George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our
Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Not "closing the door" doesn't mean letting derelicts stream at
anything like the pace that we have today, dummy. Letting quality
people immigrate to here makes sense.
2024-09-26 21:26:49 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."
George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our
Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Not "closing the door" doesn't mean letting derelicts stream at
anything like the pace that we have today, dummy. Letting quality
people immigrate to here makes sense.
Are we unable to make "quality people" out of the folks joining us? I
thought we had education, training, experience working. Duh. You're
just not a heavy hitter on politics, stick to Linux advocacy via
"snipped, unread" ...
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2024-09-27 17:13:57 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."
George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our
Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Not "closing the door" doesn't mean letting derelicts stream at
anything like the pace that we have today, dummy. Letting quality
people immigrate to here makes sense.
Are we unable to make "quality people" out of the folks joining us? I
thought we had education, training, experience working. Duh. You're
just not a heavy hitter on politics, stick to Linux advocacy via
"snipped, unread" ...

chrisv is also not good at math, because he doesn't understand that the
immigrants from a century ago weren't wealthy or educated.

Likewise, if our per capita rate of immigration today was set to be the
same as it was a century ago, we'd be opening our shores to 5 million
per year: that's ~5x more than current estimates of illegal arrivals.

Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 17:47:42 UTC
if our per capita rate of immigration today was set to be the same as it
was a century ago, we'd be opening our shores to 5 million per year

Nations adjust all over time..

But successful nations do nor refuse to SECURE THEIR BORDERS!

You treasonous slimebag!
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-27 21:08:49 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
if our per capita rate of immigration today was set to be the same as
it was a century ago, we'd be opening our shores to 5 million per year
It was showing that chrisv's claim that we're incapable of accommodating
1/5th as many today is patently ridiculous.
Post by Mittens Romney
Nations adjust all over time..
Post by Mittens Romney
But successful nations do nor refuse to SECURE THEIR BORDERS!
Except that the history of the USA is that we went basically 200 years
without securing all of our borders against immigrants.
Post by Mittens Romney
You treasonous slimebag!
Oh, so people who have demonstrated that they know more about US History
than you, and know more about US Law than you, and know more about US
Public Policy than you are supposedly "treasonous"?

Nah, it just means that they're a lot smarter than you, and you can't
bring yourself to admit that you fall short. Okay, "Moe"...


Mittens Romney
2024-09-27 21:50:42 UTC
the history of the USA is that we went basically 200 years without
securing all of our borders against immigrants.

You lied again Huntzy-traitor.


The Raging Controversy at the Border Began With This Incident 100 Years Ago
In Nogales, Arizona, the United States and Mexico agreed to build walls
separating their countries

In early August 1918, Felix B. Peñaloza, the presidente municipal, or
mayor, of Nogales, Mexico, ordered construction of a fence running along
the boundary line between his city and Nogales, Arizona. The fence would
consist of six wires strung to a height of six feet. His intent was to
direct the flow of people crossing the border through two gateways, to
make it easier for a growing number of soldiers, customs agents and
other officials to oversee transborder movement. Peñaloza also met with
U.S. representatives to discuss a second, parallel fence, to be built by
the Americans. Mexican officials said they “would welcome the building
of such a fence by the United States Government, as it would aid
officials on both sides of the line in enforcing their regulations,” and
they insisted that “such action would not be irritating or offensive to
Mexican sentiment.”

Today a ten-mile-long rusted steel border wall is a defining feature of
the cities. Its origin story begins with these two fences. When they
were first erected in Nogales a century ago, they were neither a brazen
political statement nor a barrier to immigrants, but a cooperative
measure, embraced by both the United States and Mexico in the spirit of
“good fences make good neighbors.” But the proposed American fence
became what was most likely the first permanent barrier to control the
movement of people across the U.S.-Mexico border.
But on August 27, 1918, soon after Mexican workers had erected the fence
in Nogales, conflict broke out when an unidentified man attempted to
cross into Mexico. A U.S. customs inspector ordered him to halt, but he
did not stop. Officers on both sides of the border raised their guns,
and a firefight broke out. About two hours later, at least 12 Mexicans
and Americans had been killed, including Peñaloza, who had built the
fence precisely to minimize the risk of conflict between the nations.

Ironically, despite his failure, U.S. officials in Nogales, Arizona,
soon went ahead with plans for their own fence—which quickly became a
model for controlling the movement of people across the U.S.-Mexico
border. Following Nogales’ lead, officials in Calexico, California,
erected a fence that ran two miles along the boundary line there. By the
1920s, fences were a fixture in most border towns.

Over time, the fences were put to a new use. In the 1940s, the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service coordinated with the
International Boundary and Water Commission to erect chain-link barriers
on the border. More fences, a border patrolman later acknowledged,
forced unauthorized migrants through dangerous mountains, deserts and
rivers “around the ends of the fence.” The U.S. expansion of the fencing
in the 1990s doubled-down on this strategy, leading to a dramatic
increase in the number of migrants who died attempting the treacherous
crossing. Thus the fences and other barriers that stand along much of
the U.S.-Mexico border now mark not only an international boundary but
also a humanitarian crisis.
⛨ 🥐🥖🗼🤪
2024-09-28 14:19:42 UTC
Post by Mittens Romney
the history of the USA is that we went basically 200 years without
securing all of our borders against immigrants.
You lied again Huntzy-traitor.
The Raging Controversy at the Border Began With This Incident 100 Years Ago
In Nogales, Arizona, the United States and Mexico agreed to build walls
separating their countries
In early August 1918, ...
So? What were the border controls like for 1607-1918?

Yes, that's 300+ years by your line in the sand.

2024-09-27 17:25:02 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."
George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our
Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Not "closing the door" doesn't mean letting derelicts stream at
anything like the pace that we have today, dummy. Letting quality
people immigrate to here makes sense.
Are we unable to make "quality people" out of the folks joining us?
Well, how do you make quality people from people that start off by openly
violating our laws?
Post by Joel
thought we had education, training, experience working. Duh.
You thought wrong. Out educational system is now a joke. Colleges are no
better and people are ill-prepared for the job market.
Post by Joel
just not a heavy hitter on politics, stick to Linux advocacy via
"snipped, unread" ...
You're not a heavy hitter on anything. Even in Linux advocacy about all you
have to say is that you use it and think it's better.
Governor Swill
2024-09-27 20:19:04 UTC
On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:25:02 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by Joel
Post by chrisv
Post by Governor Swill
Jamie McGregor, owner McGregor Metal fabrication in Springfield, Ohio, who has
30 Haitian employees: "I wish I had more. They come to work every day, they
don't have drug problems, they stay at their machines and make their quotas.
They come here to work."
George Bush: America is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants have helped build
the country that we have become. And immigrants can help build a dynamic
tomorrow. Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our
Ronald Reagan: If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in
the world would soon be lost.
Let us not forget the millions Reagan himself extended amnesty to.
Not "closing the door" doesn't mean letting derelicts stream at
anything like the pace that we have today, dummy. Letting quality
people immigrate to here makes sense.
Are we unable to make "quality people" out of the folks joining us?
Well, how do you make quality people from people that start off by openly
violating our laws?
You let them get jobs and work.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 39 days.

15) Recommended Fake COVID cures like injecting disinfectant or
hydroxychloroquine. After the injection comments, poison centers
received a spike in calls.

16) Trump presided over a *net* loss of 2.9 million jobs.
That's the worst performance of any President, ever.
Lil dwarf Rudey
2024-09-27 21:04:59 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
let them get jobs and work
Please choose your preferred cell # now, little man Rudey/Jonathan Ball.

Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A
Terrell/Chris Ahlstrom/Intelligent Party and a few dozen other socks wrote:

@Multiple death threats against Trump@

From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
<ONIkO.102541$***@fx11.ams4> <***@>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Lines: 55
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

Oh poor me I got shot at ...


From: Governor Swill <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@earthlink.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 31
X-Complaints-To: ***@easynews.com
Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



From: J Carlson <***@gmx.com>
Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$***@dont-email.me>
References: <v54h6j$39cuk$***@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$***@dont-email.me>
<v5df1n$1caue$***@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$***@dont-email.me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info: dont-email.me;
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
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Content-Language: en-US
In-Reply-To: <O9acnRiefIZol-***@giganews.com>
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549
alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918
Post by Governor Swill
No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
Post by Governor Swill
is an important step to getting there.

That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
or both.
(b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in
this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of
President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L.
97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
Service Protectees
The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons
protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to
consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security
Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the
defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
settlement involving a § 871 charge.


PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to
resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of
supervised release.

A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
handling the prosecution.

Those can be reported here:





Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?

