Fun With Dates -- Need Help
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Farley Flud
2025-01-17 20:54:34 UTC
Greetings GNU/Linux knowledgeable enthusiasts. Please help me
out on this one.

The ancient Julian calendar transitioned into the modern Gregorian
calendar on Thursday, October 4, 1582.

But, the next day jumped to Friday, October 15, 1582 (I'll allow
you to pursue the historical details).

Let's allow GNU/Linux to explore this transition.

cal --reform gregorian oct 1582

October 1582
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

This shows Oct 4 to be a Monday and there in no jump.

It's the same with the "date" command:

[~]# date -u -d "now -161543 days"
Mon Oct 4 08:41:04 PM UTC 1582

[~]# date -u -d "now -161542 days"
Tue Oct 5 08:44:43 PM UTC 1582

However, if I use LibreOffice Calc:

Entering -115859 into a date formatted cell gives:

Thursday, October 4, 1582

Entering -115858 gives:

Friday, October 15, 1582

We see the jump and correct day with LO but not with the
GNU/Linux date/cal commands. What is the problem? What
am I doing wrong?

I will continue to investigate because I know that none of
you lackeys know what the fuck is going on.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Warning: don't try this with Microslop Exhell cause it will
blow up in you face.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
Farley Flud
2025-01-18 12:24:16 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
We see the jump and correct day with LO but not with the
GNU/Linux date/cal commands. What is the problem? What
am I doing wrong?
[Monospace font required]

Thanks a lot, assholes. Thanks for fucking nothing.

I found the source of the problem all by my lonesome,
because you lackeys couldn't pull yourselves away from
your little kiddie games.

Now listen carefully.

Officially, the Gregorian calendar was introduced on
Oct 15, 1582. The previous date, in the Julian calendar,
was Oct 4, 1582. There is a jump from Oct 4 to Oct 15.

However, much of the rest of the world only adopted the
Gregorian calendar (GC) later. In Britain and the Americas,
the GC wasn't adopted until Sept 3, 1752.

As a consequence, the Unix "cal" command defaults to
Sept 3, 1752:

# cal -3 9 1752

August 1752 September 1752 October 1752
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 1 2 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31
30 31

The jump from Sept 2-14 is quite obvious. The whole month only has
19 days!

However, we can instruct cal to use the "gregorian" or "iso"
option which causes cal to use the PROLEPTIC GREGORIAN CALENDAR (PGC).
The PGC changes over on Oct 15 1582 but all previous dates are a
backwards extrapolation of the GC.

The jump at Sept 3 1752 is gone:

# cal --reform iso -3 9 1752

August 1752 September 1752 October 1752
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31

But there is no jump at Oct 5 1582 either because all previous
dates are the GC extrapolated backwards:

# cal --reform iso -3 10 1582

September 1582 October 1582 November 1582
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

With LibreOffice Calc, there is no PGC. We can observe the jump
at Oct 5, 1582 and all prior dates use the Julian calendar.




Of course, none of this is possible with that piece-of-shit OS known
as Microslop Winblows. They only go forward and not backward.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-18 14:00:26 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Farley Flud
We see the jump and correct day with LO but not with the
GNU/Linux date/cal commands. What is the problem? What
am I doing wrong?
[Monospace font required]
Thanks a lot, assholes. Thanks for fucking nothing.
You're welcome. I already told you: I won't help you anymore. I helped
you twice and you pretended that never happened, so you can, as you
believe, take care of yourself. Or try to, as I know you can't.
Post by Farley Flud
I found the source of the problem all by my lonesome,
because you lackeys couldn't pull yourselves away from
your little kiddie games.
Once again, I won't lose my time helping you anymore. It looks like some
here gave you some hints, but as always, you are to stupid to understand
Post by Farley Flud
Now listen carefully.
You really believe that you could teach me anything? You are a well
known first class illiterate who read books only in your dreams. That's
a promise, the fun should follow.
Post by Farley Flud
Officially, the Gregorian calendar was introduced on
Oct 15, 1582. The previous date, in the Julian calendar,
was Oct 4, 1582. There is a jump from Oct 4 to Oct 15.
OK, you copy/past wikipedia, nothing new.
Post by Farley Flud
However, much of the rest of the world only adopted the
Gregorian calendar (GC) later. In Britain and the Americas,
the GC wasn't adopted until Sept 3, 1752.
Still wikipedia but without the knowledge to understand it. For your
information, at that time, Britain possessed only a part of north
America. So when the British colonies switched to Gregorian calendar,
most of the Americas were already using it.

I'm not surprised you didn't know that.
Post by Farley Flud
As a consequence, the Unix "cal" command defaults to
The explanation is easy to understand: like you, the UNIX founders
believed that the USA is all that exists. They had, like you today, very
narrow minds. And the rest of the world struggle because of it. And it's
the major point against Microsoft products: a lot of bugs happen when
you are not a native English speaker because Microsoft consider everyone
should be native English speakers and the rest of the world can go to

And that's why I call all of Microsoft products garbage: because as a
French speaker, nothing is correctly handled. When I was young and
didn't heard about Linux, I tried to find a way around it, but Microsoft
considered a fraud to buy a Windows OS in USA to use it at home in
France. The best way to install is was to tell Windows I was a Canadian
living in France to be able to have something not too buggy. And when I
discovered Linux, it didn't take me long to put Windows where it
belongs: in the garbage can. And let it be there for as long as

And that's something American Windows fanboys like DFS and you will
never understand: when you want to use your own language Microsoft is a
curse if it's not English.

Well before I was able to learn some programming language I learned what
an out of range memory was. Because Microsoft reserved just enough
memory to put the messages strings in them. And as French is a little
bit longer than English the French translations didn't fit in the
English slots and Windows never stopped to crash.

And what's great about Linux: it has been created by a nonnative English
speaker who learned English. So everything was done well from the start.
When Windows still has the issues it had thirty years ago.
Post by Farley Flud
The jump from Sept 2-14 is quite obvious. The whole month only has
19 days!
So, right now, when do you really have to take care of three hundred
years old events in your programs or in your life?
Post by Farley Flud
With LibreOffice Calc, there is no PGC. We can observe the jump
at Oct 5, 1582 and all prior dates use the Julian calendar.
Rely, I dont care about issues about things that don't matter. Nobody is
concerned about that. You should take care of actual problems in actual
life. I knew you are stuck in the past, I didn't knew it was that long
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-18 15:12:52 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
So, right now, when do you really have to take care of three hundred
years old events in your programs or in your life?
Don't ask me. Ask the developers of cal, LibreOffice, and hundreds
of other programs that allow accurate date reckoning back to the beginning
of recorded human history.

They will all laugh in your stupid anti-intellectual face.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-18 21:14:02 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
So, right now, when do you really have to take care of three hundred
years old events in your programs or in your life?
Don't ask me. Ask the developers of cal, LibreOffice, and hundreds
of other programs that allow accurate date reckoning back to the beginning
of recorded human history.
They will all laugh in your stupid anti-intellectual face.
I don't think he understands that. He's the type of groupie that isn't
even envious of you. That absent envy, to be there, would require a bit
of intellect to begin with.

His "intellect" comes from his anus. Like Sartre. In him, it is rectal.
Farley Flud
2025-01-18 22:21:13 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
I don't think he understands that.
Carpentier is OK. He's a LOT better than most of the idiots
on this NG.

His only problem is that he fails to recognize that, regarding
our interactions, he is the lackey an I am the master.

Maybe one day he will attain the necessary wisdom.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-18 22:40:56 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Carpentier is OK. He's a LOT better than most of the idiots
on this NG.
His only problem is that he fails to recognize that, regarding
our interactions, he is the lackey an I am the master.
Maybe one day he will attain the necessary wisdom.
You're the master of tinkertoys Web browsing, barely having a GUI.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2025-01-18 23:18:47 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Physfitfreak
I don't think he understands that.
Carpentier is OK. He's a LOT better than most of the idiots
on this NG.
His only problem is that he fails to recognize that, regarding
our interactions, he is the lackey an I am the master.
Maybe one day he will attain the necessary wisdom.
Well, I'm not saying he's not ok. I'm just describing him. Sartre was ok
too. So was Allen Ginsberg, etc. But both were at the same time pretty
sphincteral. They drew much of that they did or say, much of their
wisdom, from their anus.

This reminds me of a funny night. When Ginsberg died (in 1990s), I sent
a post to the Iranian forum informing them of his death and adding some
harsh words about him, kind of ridiculing his way of being "intellectual".

But an hour or so later I remembered a report one of his friends had
written I think around 1960 or so, about a few encounters with Ginsberg
and other friends which was one of the best articles I'd ever read :-)))
I remembered how Ginsberg was described in it, and how much I had
laughed and enjoyed the article; then suddenly I felt I owed him an
apology for saying those words on the day of his death.

So I went back to the computer (a funky one I had at the time - an AT&T
Unix PC if you can believe it!) and got that old copy of "Horizon" from
my library upstairs, in which the article had appeared, and typed the
entire article carefully in a second post to that forum, after
apologizing to the memory of Ginsberg :-)

I bet that post is still somewhere in the cyberspace. Google groups
should have it if the Google Group's "owner" of that Iranian forum has
not deleted it out of spite for me. A LOT of my articles in both physics
and Iranian forums got deleted in the Google Group's archives of usenet.
That's what happens when you leave a human in charge of other people's
Diego Garcia
2025-01-18 15:26:45 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
As a consequence, the Unix "cal" command defaults to
The explanation is easy to understand: like you, the UNIX founders
believed that the USA is all that exists. They had, like you today, very
narrow minds. And the rest of the world struggle because of it.
Not quite.

The digital computer was invented in Britain and America, and for
a long time thereafter it was only the USA that produced computers.
English was the natural choice for the universal computing language
just like English is the choice for the global navigation language.

Unix began in 1969 and at that time hardware was limited in its
capability. That's why we have ASCII because if there are only
7-bits for character representation it may as well be only English

But representing all human languages in digital form is not
a trivial undertaking. First there were many ISO code pages
for various language groups. Then, at the late time of 1991,
Unicode was established.

Could you have done better?

Ha, ha! You can't even program "Hello World!" in BASIC.

2025-01-18 22:53:38 UTC
Post by Diego Garcia
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
As a consequence, the Unix "cal" command defaults to
The explanation is easy to understand: like you, the UNIX founders
believed that the USA is all that exists. They had, like you today, very
narrow minds. And the rest of the world struggle because of it.
Not quite.
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
Post by Diego Garcia
Unix began in 1969 and at that time hardware was limited in its
capability. That's why we have ASCII because if there are only
7-bits for character representation it may as well be only English
That wasn't the question at the time. They weren't concerned about a
world view, they were only concerned about themselves. They were
speaking English, every one speaking to them were able to speak English,
so the issue wasn't raised.

I know, it's exactly the same today. When you are in a meeting with
people all around the world, the most difficult guys to understand are
the native English speakers. They don't try to be understood, at least
speaking more slowly: the others have to adapt. They can only speak
English, nothing else, and they don't care about others misunderstanding
Post by Diego Garcia
But representing all human languages in digital form is not
a trivial undertaking. First there were many ISO code pages
for various language groups. Then, at the late time of 1991,
Unicode was established.
Yes, and Linus took care of it because he wasn't a native American, when
Microsoft still doesn't care about it because Bill GATES is a fucking
limited American considering English is the only language that matters
and the others can go to hell.
Post by Diego Garcia
Could you have done better?
It's not the issue, I wasn't there at that time. And I'm not speaking
about the past but about the present. By now, more than thirty years
after it came around, Microsoft still doesn't manage it. Because, like
you, Bill GATES is a fucking limited asshole trying to conquer a world
in which the people outside of the USA don't matter. As long as I'm
using Linux, I won't care about Microsoft products, but I'll never been
able to say anything good about them because they are crap. When I'm
here, I'm speaking in English but I don't see any reason to use English
to speak with French people just because Microsoft products are shit.
Post by Diego Garcia
Ha, ha! You can't even program "Hello World!" in BASIC.
Once again, you know nothing about me. And with this sentence you
proved, once again, that you know nothing about programming. You don't
even understand the purpose of "Hello World!" which tells a lot about
your limitations. You should have understood that well before being able
to claim yourself being a programmer. So, I'll explain it to you.

The purpose of the "Hello World!" program isn't to prove you are able to
program. Only a first class moron like you could believe that. Its
purpose is very important and as I can't just claim you are stupid but I
have to prove it, I'll explain its purpose in a way even you can

So, the purpose. When you are learning a programming language, you need
an environment. You need a text editor or and IDE. Then either it's
compiled and you have your compiler to find it (or your IDE to find your
compiler) and you have to be able to run the compiled program to show
it's OK. If it's interpreted, it's a little bit different, but the
purpose is the same: to show the result of your program. Because a
"Hello world!" program is that simple that if it doesn't execute as
expected it means that there is an issue with your environment.

On the other hand, if your "Hello world!" program runs smoothly, it
shows that you environment is OK and you are ready to learn the
programming language. Because if your first language is a thousand lines
program, there is a strong probability that it won't run and you'll
never be able to tell if the issue is in your program or in your

So, now that the explanation is done, I can state it easily: a "Hello
world!" is not there to prove you are able to program but to prove you
are ready to learn a programming language. And your sentence just proved
you didn't even understood that.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-19 15:35:26 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Diego Garcia
But representing all human languages in digital form is not
a trivial undertaking. First there were many ISO code pages
for various language groups. Then, at the late time of 1991,
Unicode was established.
Yes, and Linus took care of it because he wasn't a native American, when
Microsoft still doesn't care about it because Bill GATES is a fucking
limited American considering English is the only language that matters
and the others can go to hell.
I doubt that Linus Torvalds "took care of it."

Internationalization and localization were started in the 1970s
or 1980s. I know very little about this (because I find the whole
issue boring) but here is a link:


Also, Torvalds used the GNU project to complete his OS and GNU
gettext, the i18n library, was first released in the early 1990s:

Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
The purpose of the "Hello World!" program isn't to prove you are able to
No. It's usually used informally as a joke to insult others.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
Farley Flud
2025-01-19 15:58:20 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
I believe that English is the de facto language of Usenet.

There are French newsgroups that are prefixed with "fr." but
otherwise it is understood that English is the only language

That is the current reality.

Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-24 19:40:10 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
I believe that English is the de facto language of Usenet.
There are French newsgroups that are prefixed with "fr." but
otherwise it is understood that English is the only language
As always, you ran fast Forrest. Speaking English words here shouldn't
prevent the tools to be able to use letters not in the English
dictionary. And it shouldn't prevent you to use the diacritical signs
when you chose to use French words because you believe it makes you look
cool when it only proves you are limited by your old tools.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-24 20:36:45 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
I believe that English is the de facto language of Usenet.
There are French newsgroups that are prefixed with "fr." but
otherwise it is understood that English is the only language
As always, you ran fast Forrest. Speaking English words here shouldn't
prevent the tools to be able to use letters not in the English
dictionary. And it shouldn't prevent you to use the diacritical signs
when you chose to use French words because you believe it makes you look
cool when it only proves you are limited by your old tools.
I enjoyed the short period of time during which we encrypted our
messages here on comp.os.linux.advocacy to exclude Snit from the
conversation. The Prescott Parasite was so desperate to be included that
he tried to make us believe that he could still see what was being said.
In a way, we were communicating in a foreign language.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
Farley Flud
2025-01-24 22:27:38 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
As always, you ran fast Forrest.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Speaking English words here shouldn't
prevent the tools to be able to use letters not in the English
dictionary. And it shouldn't prevent you to use the diacritical signs
when you chose to use French words because you believe it makes you look
cool when it only proves you are limited by your old tools.
Fuck you!

The language of Usenet, as with global navigation, is English.

If you desire to participate on this NG then you will use English
or else you will get the fuck out.

Don't blame me, or my keyboard, for your utter lack of language
skills. Other participants of Usenet have no problem.

Either join your .fr groups or get the fuck out. It is English
only accepted here.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-24 22:55:57 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
As always, you ran fast Forrest.
You never heard about Forrest GUMP? I'm not that surprised.
And I should apologize about it to him because he was smarter and nicer
than you. So I could understand him feeling insulted being compared with
you. But the stupid guy running like hell is really your only ability.
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Speaking English words here shouldn't
prevent the tools to be able to use letters not in the English
dictionary. And it shouldn't prevent you to use the diacritical signs
when you chose to use French words because you believe it makes you look
cool when it only proves you are limited by your old tools.
Fuck you!
That's not enough. Always the same insult with idiot. You are limited in
your own language. You pretend to be an artist but even your insults
prove you aren't one. I'm not a native English speaker and I strongly
believe my insults in your language are far more inspired than yours in
your own language.
Post by Farley Flud
The language of Usenet, as with global navigation, is English.
Yes, I understood it the first time you wrote it.
Post by Farley Flud
If you desire to participate on this NG then you will use English
or else you will get the fuck out.
You see? You run away, as usual. I'm answering you in English and I'm
not complaining about it. I'm here to improve my English level, so
coming here to read and write English is the purpose of the game I'm
participating in. You are complaining about imaginary things about me.
It's easier for you to divert from the real subject.
Post by Farley Flud
Don't blame me, or my keyboard, for your utter lack of language
skills. Other participants of Usenet have no problem.
You are the one having problems complaining about your keyboard unable
to use unicode. You are the one complaining about your limited keyboard
unable to help you use unicode easily. Not me. Don't switch side like
Post by Farley Flud
Either join your .fr groups or get the fuck out. It is English
only accepted here.
And I'm using only English. Each time I'm using French, I'm translating
it, or at least I'm trying to explain it, in English. Sometimes the
Canadian is answering one of my messages in French and I always replied
in English, never in French. So don't blame me on your imaginary
complains. Stop running away from the real subject which is: the tools
shouldn't be limited by the English language.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-24 23:35:46 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Stop running away from the real subject which is: the tools
shouldn't be limited by the English language.
What fucking tools are you fucking talking about?

In informal human communication, there is no fucking need
for absolute fucking precision. The human mind, in possession
of a modicum of fucking intelligence, can easily transcend
all shortcomings and inconsistencies. Maybe you just aren't
intelligent enough?

And as I indicated earlier, it is the KEYBOARD that is largely
responsible for the inadequate use of international Unicode characters.

I also provided a fantastic X Window mathematical keyboard
modification which you totally ignored (most likely because it won't
function under that junk Wayland).

The fucking keyboard has to be modified, but just as with
rational calendar modification, as I have discussed with the
most worthy poster Physfitfreak, that is not likely to happen.

What does this prove?

It proves that _I_ am the true progressive innovator and
that _you_ are the conventional and backward lackey.

Don't bother me anymore with your ridiculous and antiquated
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-25 10:43:12 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Stop running away from the real subject which is: the tools
shouldn't be limited by the English language.
What fucking tools are you fucking talking about?
Read. Understand. Answer. In that order. Without missing a step.
Post by Farley Flud
And as I indicated earlier, it is the KEYBOARD that is largely
responsible for the inadequate use of international Unicode characters.
You did it, it wasn't enough for you to be right. A keyboard can't have
thousands of keys. So the tools have to adapt to this limitation. The
fact is that they do, you are the only one unable to adapt.
Post by Farley Flud
I also provided a fantastic X Window mathematical keyboard
modification which you totally ignored (most likely because it won't
function under that junk Wayland).
I didn't ignored it, I answered you. It's not fantastic, it's garbage
for anyone considering the keyboard is superior to the mouse. It's not
fantastic, it works only in limited cases when alternatives are working
in all the cases. It's not fantastic it's difficult when easy
alternatives are available. It's not fantastic, it brings more problems
than it solves.
Post by Farley Flud
The fucking keyboard has to be modified,
No need for that. You can choose a better keyboard for a start if your
keyboard is the real limitation. But except a poor choice of keyboard,
there is no need to modify it.
Post by Farley Flud
It proves that _I_ am the true progressive innovator and
that _you_ are the conventional and backward lackey.
The only way in which you innove is in the ways of being inefficient.
It's impressive to see in your videos how you manage to always use the
worst way to do things. What anyone can do easily becomes a chalenge in
your hands.
Post by Farley Flud
Don't bother me anymore with your ridiculous and antiquated
Their purpose is not to be modern or old, their purpose is to be
efficient and easy.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 11:24:40 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
I also provided a fantastic X Window mathematical keyboard
modification which you totally ignored (most likely because it won't
function under that junk Wayland).
I didn't ignored it, I answered you. It's not fantastic, it's garbage
for anyone considering the keyboard is superior to the mouse.
_You_ are garbage. That keyboard is fantastic.

For one thing, it parallels the Latin characters with most of the
Greek alphabet. For example, to type "alpha" I just press Win+a
because "a" is parallel to "alpha." It's the same for "beta" || "b"
and so on. I can also get an upper-case "alpha" with Shift+Win+a
and so on.

Not all the Greek chars are mapped because they are not all common
in mathematical contexts. In the "holes" I place other standard
math symbols such as integration, partial differentiation, etc.

As I mentioned, the keyboard needs work. I only use the "Win" key
and the "Shift+Win" combination but there are a lot of other
combinations possible. I can create a LOT of math symbols.

But _you_ cannot realize my fantastic keyboard extension because
you are helplessly stuck in that pseudo-modern junk called

I say "fuck Wayland." Give me X and then get out of the fucking
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-25 14:06:50 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
I also provided a fantastic X Window mathematical keyboard
modification which you totally ignored (most likely because it won't
function under that junk Wayland).
I didn't ignored it, I answered you. It's not fantastic, it's garbage
for anyone considering the keyboard is superior to the mouse.
_You_ are garbage.
It's not that better than idiot. Improve.
Post by Farley Flud
That keyboard is fantastic.
You can repeat it at will, it won't change the fact. You are unable to
understand how stupid it is because you are a mouse lackey pretending to
be a keyboard master. But, as for everything else, you are either lying
or dreaming about your abilities.

Do you really need Greek alphabet to open a new application? I don't and
I see no reason to. The only time I need other characters is in a text
editor when I'm writing. I can need them in my shell but not often. So,
if you configure the mapping at the system level, you block every
similar mapping from other applications and from the WM. If it was the
only possibility, it would be acceptable. But as the required tools (the
text editor and the terminal) already give that possibility it brings
nothing more.

So having a configuration files that breaks everything without bringing
anything new is what I call garbage. I'm not surprised you can't
understand that. As you are a mouse lackey, you can't realize how bad it
is. But it's so obvious I didn't need to look at it more than necessary.
Post by Farley Flud
For one thing, it parallels the Latin characters with most of the
Greek alphabet.
So, do it at the text editor level or at the Word level. Don't do it at
the system level. Now, you'll explain it's to difficult to do at your
text editor level or at the Word level. And it's exactly what I'm saying
about the tools you are using: garbage.
Post by Farley Flud
For example, to type "alpha" I just press Win+a
because "a" is parallel to "alpha." It's the same for "beta" || "b"
and so on. I can also get an upper-case "alpha" with Shift+Win+a
and so on.
So, when I want to open a file with zathura, I press win+z which
wouldn't work anymore because your fucking keyboard would break
everything. When I want to shut down my computer, I press win+shift+e
which wouldn't work anymore because your fucking keyboard would break
everything. And so on. And when do I really want a Greek character in
front of my computer without any application launched? Never. So, it
would break everything for no purpose. When I can do that at my text
editor level for a high value without breaking anything.

So, thanks for helping me to prove you don't understand what you are
doing. You just did it because you found it on Internet and you were
able to copy/paste it without being able to consider the consequences.
Post by Farley Flud
As I mentioned, the keyboard needs work.
And as I replied using the good tools doesn't require that work which
breaks everything. And that proves, one more time what I claim about
you: you are only a master of inefficiency. If something more cumbersome
can be done, you'll find out a way to do it.

It's easy, the best way to improve ones ability in Linux is to look at
you. And doing the opposite of your claims would be a good start.
Post by Farley Flud
I only use the "Win" key and the "Shift+Win" combination but there are
a lot of other combinations possible. I can create a LOT of math
Which changes nothing: doing it at the system level prevents every other
application to use the shortcuts for other purposes. Which is stupid if
you don't need the Greek letters in the other applications.
Post by Farley Flud
But _you_ cannot realize my fantastic keyboard extension because
you are helplessly stuck in that pseudo-modern junk called
Once again, you are changing the story. You are the one stuck in xorg.
I'm not stuck in wayland. I'm using wayland because it's better than
xorg and there are no other alternatives. But if something better than
wayland comes around, I'll be able to switch to it. When you'll be only
able to cry for xorg to stay alive.
Post by Farley Flud
I say "fuck Wayland."
Yes, I know. You are stuck in the past because you can't understand
Post by Farley Flud
Give me X
I won't. I'll let you use xorg if you want, but I won't help you.
Post by Farley Flud
and then get out of the fucking way.
I'm not in your way. It's impossible to be in your way. You are
statically stuck in your asylum unable to go anyway.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 14:49:39 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Do you really need Greek alphabet to open a new application?
Jeezus F. Christ! You really are a fucking IDIOT.

This special X keyboard extension, as I clearly and repeatedly
indicated, is made to facilitate MATHEMATICAL INPUT. That's

Furthermore, I can enable and disable it at will according to
my needs. Can that be done with that junk Wayland?

Answer: No.

Now get back to your pseudo-futuristic junk Wayland. It was
created by idiots for idiots.
Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down
2025-02-07 19:00:04 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Do you really need Greek alphabet to open a new application?
Jeezus F. Christ! You really are a fucking IDIOT.
This special X keyboard extension, as I clearly and repeatedly
indicated, is made to facilitate MATHEMATICAL INPUT. That's
Furthermore, I can enable and disable it at will according to
my needs. Can that be done with that junk Wayland?
Answer: No.
Now get back to your pseudo-futuristic junk Wayland. It was
created by idiots for idiots.
If whatever you're using supports LaTeX strings, you could use that?
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
2025-01-25 20:33:29 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
I also provided a fantastic X Window mathematical keyboard
modification which you totally ignored (most likely because it won't
function under that junk Wayland).
I didn't ignored it, I answered you. It's not fantastic, it's garbage
for anyone considering the keyboard is superior to the mouse.
_You_ are garbage. That keyboard is fantastic.
For one thing, it parallels the Latin characters with most of the
Greek alphabet. For example, to type "alpha" I just press Win+a
because "a" is parallel to "alpha." It's the same for "beta" || "b"
and so on. I can also get an upper-case "alpha" with Shift+Win+a
and so on.
Not all the Greek chars are mapped because they are not all common
in mathematical contexts. In the "holes" I place other standard
math symbols such as integration, partial differentiation, etc.
As I mentioned, the keyboard needs work. I only use the "Win" key
and the "Shift+Win" combination but there are a lot of other
combinations possible. I can create a LOT of math symbols.
But _you_ cannot realize my fantastic keyboard extension because
you are helplessly stuck in that pseudo-modern junk called
I say "fuck Wayland." Give me X and then get out of the fucking
Most of your posts, after I read them, create the question for me, "Then
what?" I understand you enjoy creating the tools. But beyond some point
doing that over and over becomes meaningless. It becomes like what
computer enthusiasts do with their computers. Upgrade and upgrade to the
best that's possible. And then, instead of taking the next step, they
just wait for another upgrade of the computer to become available and
jump at it doing what they'd been doing before, tens of times :)
Hahhahahhahh :)

Same with the OS. Same with their cars. I guess same with their wives,
kids, etc.

They never take the next step. Not anyone in this forum anyway.

I remember after a couple of years of married life, one Saturday morning
after we had our breakfast in the nice patio, I turned to her and asked,
"So what are we going to do?"

From the reaction I got on her face it was clear she did not have the
slightest idea what my question meant. Eventually she said, "What do you

I said, "What is our next step?" She didn't understand that either and
got silent and just continued her thoughts without actually answering me.

The meaning of my remarks was Chinese to her.

I'm different. I'm still taking "next steps."
Farley Flud
2025-01-26 11:21:13 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Most of your posts, after I read them, create the question for me, "Then
what?" I understand you enjoy creating the tools. But beyond some point
doing that over and over becomes meaningless.
The PC, or PERSONAL COMPUTER, is, or certainly should be, the
central core component of everyone's life. The PC represents
absolute empowerment. It allows every man to be a publisher,
artist, composer, writer, musician, etc., etc. In the modern
digital world the PC is the ultimate, universal tool.

Thus, perfecting ones computer is never meaningless and
is always a rewarding adventure in that it forever exposes
new realms to the imagination. There is never a question
of what to do next but rather of which of the many new
directions to pursue.

Some may not agree or appreciate. But for those that don't
they invented the "phone." Like babies with pacifiers stuck
in their mouths, so too are they stuck with their phones.
Post by Physfitfreak
I remember after a couple of years of married life, one
Saturday morning after we had our breakfast in the nice patio,
I turned to her and asked, "So what are we going to do?"
The sole, singular purpose of marriage is to produce
and raise offspring. When there are kids around such
a question will never arise. But when the kids are
gone then emptiness erupts.

Similarly, the sole, singular purpose of the computer
is to creatively compute. As long as the power flows
the question of "what next?" will never arise. But
if the power fails then one is confronted with only
useless hardware and emptiness results.

The hardware is only the means to the end of creativity.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-26 11:54:23 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
{snip usual drivel}
Most of your posts, after I read them, create the question for me, "Then
what?" I understand you enjoy creating the tools. But beyond some point
doing that over and over becomes meaningless. It becomes like what
computer enthusiasts do with their computers. Upgrade and upgrade to the
best that's possible. And then, instead of taking the next step, they
just wait for another upgrade of the computer to become available and
jump at it doing what they'd been doing before, tens of times :)
Hahhahahhahh :)
Same with the OS. Same with their cars. I guess same with their wives,
kids, etc.
They never take the next step. Not anyone in this forum anyway.
Yup. Its why I've noted workflows and productivity; it is but a tool,
and these are examples of the means to the end ("what's next").

Now sure, there's some folk whose hobby is of the 'creation' process,
but a PC's purpose isn't for the user to sit & watch its screen-saver.

2025-01-24 23:23:01 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
As always, you ran fast Forrest.
Being a weird, cloistered, GuhNoo creep, you don't keep up with American
or world culture.

Forrest was the main character in the very popular, 6-Academy Award
winning 1994 movie 'Forrest Gump'. His little girlfriend called out for
him to "Run Forrest run!" when some bullies were chasing him.

It's not surprising Stéphane knows about the movie; it sold more outside
the US and Canada than inside. Hollywood movies and TV are some of our
biggest and most successful exports.
2025-01-25 01:00:42 UTC
If you desire to participate on this NG then you will use English or
else you will get the fuck out.

Farley Flud
2025-01-19 17:36:59 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
You overlook the fact that the standard computer keyboard, when
faced with Unicode input, is extremely limited.

No one, and that includes myself, wants to press multiple keys
in sequence or in combination just to enter a single character.
But it's not only pressing the keys. It's also learning and remembering
the correct sequence/combination.

Consider your name. I can copy/paste:


But if I could not copy/paste then I would have to know the
correct sequence/combination of keys and I can't waste time with
learning something that I will use only very infrequently.

The approximation, Stephane, although imperfect, is good enough
and no one should have any complaints.

Unicode math symbols are extensive but, AFAIK, there are no
keyboards that contain even a partial subset of the symbols.
Instead, a complicated sequence/combination of key presses
is required for each symbol and such key presses often differ
with different software. Entering math symbols is a huge

I have already published on C.O.L.A. my X keyboard modification
to allow some Unicode math input.

Just put the following file into /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols
and then change the keyboard overlay with:

setxkbmap -layout mth

Then you can enter the "integral" symbol by pressing Win+J,
where Win is the otherwise useless "Windows Menu" key on some

This layout needs some work and is also DOES NOT WORK ON THAT

default partial

xkb_symbols "mdc" {

key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, U22A2, U22A3 ] };
key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam, U2081, U21AF ] };
key <AE02> { [ 2, at, U2082, U00BD ] };
key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign, U2083, U00A3 ] };
key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar, U2084, U20AC ] };
key <AE05> { [ 5, percent, U2085, U00B7 ] };
key <AE06> { [ 6, asciicircum, U2086, U221A ] };
key <AE07> { [ 7, ampersand, U2087, U2232 ] };
key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk, U2088, U221E ] };
key <AE09> { [ 9, parenleft, U2089, U207B ] };
key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright, U2080, U2205 ] };
key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, U2013, U2014 ] };
key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, U2260, U2248 ] };

key <AD01> { [ q, Q, U2203, U2200 ] };
key <AD02> { [ w, W, U03C9, U03A9 ] };
key <AD03> { [ e, E, U03B5, U2261 ] };
key <AD04> { [ r, R, U03C1, U211D ] };
key <AD05> { [ t, T, U03C4, U00DE ] };
key <AD06> { [ y, Y, U2190, U21D0 ] };
key <AD07> { [ u, U, U2194, U21D4 ] };
key <AD08> { [ i, I, U2192, U21D2 ] };
key <AD09> { [ o, O, U03B3, U0393 ] };
key <AD10> { [ p, P, U03C0, U03A0 ] };
key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft, U27E8, dead_ogonek ] };
key <AD12> { [ bracketright, braceright, U27E9, dead_macron ] };
key <BKSL> { [ backslash, U007C, dead_circumflex, dead_caron ] };

key <AC01> { [ a, A, U03B1, U2933 ] };
key <AC02> { [ s, S, U03C3, U03A3 ] };
key <AC03> { [ d, D, U03B4, U211A ] };
key <AC04> { [ f, F, U03C6, U21A6 ] };
key <AC05> { [ g, G, U2202, U2207 ] };
key <AC06> { [ h, H, U03B8, U2243 ] };
key <AC07> { [ j, J, U222B, U0131 ] };
key <AC08> { [ k, K, U03BA, U03BE ] };
key <AC09> { [ l, L, U03BB, U2113 ] };
key <AC10> { [ semicolon, colon, dead_diaeresis, dead_tilde ] };
key <AC11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, dead_acute, dead_grave ] };

key <AB01> { [ z, Z, U2227, U2228 ] };
key <AB02> { [ x, X, U2229, U222A ] };
key <AB03> { [ c, C, U2208, U2209 ] };
key <AB04> { [ v, V, U2282, U2284 ] };
key <AB05> { [ b, B, U03B2, U03A8 ] };
key <AB06> { [ n, N, U00AC, U2115 ] };
key <AB07> { [ m, M, U03BC, U03B7 ] };
key <AB08> { [ comma, less, U2234, U2264 ] };
key <AB09> { [ period, greater, U25A1, U2265 ] };
key <AB10> { [ slash, question, U2124, U221D ] };

include "level3(win_switch)"

Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-20 20:03:41 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
You overlook the fact that the standard computer keyboard, when
faced with Unicode input, is extremely limited.
No one, and that includes myself, wants to press multiple keys
in sequence or in combination just to enter a single character.
But it's not only pressing the keys. It's also learning and remembering
the correct sequence/combination.
But if I could not copy/paste then I would have to know the
correct sequence/combination of keys and I can't waste time with
learning something that I will use only very infrequently.
The approximation, Stephane, although imperfect, is good enough
and no one should have any complaints.
Unicode math symbols are extensive but, AFAIK, there are no
keyboards that contain even a partial subset of the symbols.
Instead, a complicated sequence/combination of key presses
is required for each symbol and such key presses often differ
with different software. Entering math symbols is a huge
I have already published on C.O.L.A. my X keyboard modification
to allow some Unicode math input.
Just put the following file into /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols
setxkbmap -layout mth
Then you can enter the "integral" symbol by pressing Win+J,
where Win is the otherwise useless "Windows Menu" key on some
This layout needs some work and is also DOES NOT WORK ON THAT
default partial
xkb_symbols "mdc" {
key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, U22A2, U22A3 ] };
key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam, U2081, U21AF ] };
key <AE02> { [ 2, at, U2082, U00BD ] };
key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign, U2083, U00A3 ] };
key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar, U2084, U20AC ] };
key <AE05> { [ 5, percent, U2085, U00B7 ] };
key <AE06> { [ 6, asciicircum, U2086, U221A ] };
key <AE07> { [ 7, ampersand, U2087, U2232 ] };
key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk, U2088, U221E ] };
key <AE09> { [ 9, parenleft, U2089, U207B ] };
key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright, U2080, U2205 ] };
key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, U2013, U2014 ] };
key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, U2260, U2248 ] };
key <AD01> { [ q, Q, U2203, U2200 ] };
key <AD02> { [ w, W, U03C9, U03A9 ] };
key <AD03> { [ e, E, U03B5, U2261 ] };
key <AD04> { [ r, R, U03C1, U211D ] };
key <AD05> { [ t, T, U03C4, U00DE ] };
key <AD06> { [ y, Y, U2190, U21D0 ] };
key <AD07> { [ u, U, U2194, U21D4 ] };
key <AD08> { [ i, I, U2192, U21D2 ] };
key <AD09> { [ o, O, U03B3, U0393 ] };
key <AD10> { [ p, P, U03C0, U03A0 ] };
key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft, U27E8, dead_ogonek ] };
key <AD12> { [ bracketright, braceright, U27E9, dead_macron ] };
key <BKSL> { [ backslash, U007C, dead_circumflex, dead_caron ] };
key <AC01> { [ a, A, U03B1, U2933 ] };
key <AC02> { [ s, S, U03C3, U03A3 ] };
key <AC03> { [ d, D, U03B4, U211A ] };
key <AC04> { [ f, F, U03C6, U21A6 ] };
key <AC05> { [ g, G, U2202, U2207 ] };
key <AC06> { [ h, H, U03B8, U2243 ] };
key <AC07> { [ j, J, U222B, U0131 ] };
key <AC08> { [ k, K, U03BA, U03BE ] };
key <AC09> { [ l, L, U03BB, U2113 ] };
key <AC10> { [ semicolon, colon, dead_diaeresis, dead_tilde ] };
key <AC11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, dead_acute, dead_grave ] };
key <AB01> { [ z, Z, U2227, U2228 ] };
key <AB02> { [ x, X, U2229, U222A ] };
key <AB03> { [ c, C, U2208, U2209 ] };
key <AB04> { [ v, V, U2282, U2284 ] };
key <AB05> { [ b, B, U03B2, U03A8 ] };
key <AB06> { [ n, N, U00AC, U2115 ] };
key <AB07> { [ m, M, U03BC, U03B7 ] };
key <AB08> { [ comma, less, U2234, U2264 ] };
key <AB09> { [ period, greater, U25A1, U2265 ] };
key <AB10> { [ slash, question, U2124, U221D ] };
include "level3(win_switch)"
If one is serious about it (and I was), one can create one's own
characters in any language and use them with any keyboard pattern
convenient to him. I did that with Commodore 64 for Persian! I printed
out letters to my family in Iran using such characters that they had not
seen in their lifetime back then. Very eloquently shaped and clear to
read characters. I even made a key on keyboard to create my own name in
handwriting style, what my family were familiar with in my handwritten
letters :) They'd look at it under the magnifying glass and wonder what
could produce that handwriting so accurately, using the dots and pixels
that a funky printer had at its disposal.

I have a few copies of those letters somewhere, and once in a great
while I come across them and wonder, myself, how nice the characters
were :)
Farley Flud
2025-01-20 21:05:32 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
If one is serious about it (and I was), one can create one's own
characters in any language and use them with any keyboard pattern
convenient to him.
That certainly is true.

But if you want to use software that is produced by others then you
have to adhere to some standard.

I don't deny that a group of people can communicate among themselves
with their own defined characters, but if you want to interact with
the rest of the world then you must use established standards.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-24 20:16:52 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
It's completely that. Look at your claims: you say that UTF-8 is
important to write correctly mathematical symbols and you are unable to
write any French word when you try to impress I don't know who. You are
that limited that you can't even copy/paste my first name when you
write it. You are the perfect example of the limited American.
You overlook the fact that the standard computer keyboard,
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard. The fact
that you really believe that proves exactly what I said. You, as all
Americans, consider that the USA is all that exist in the world.
Post by Farley Flud
when faced with Unicode input, is extremely limited.
You are limited, don't blame your keyboard for that.
Post by Farley Flud
No one, and that includes myself, wants to press multiple keys
in sequence or in combination just to enter a single character.
How did you managed to write the upper case letters in your message?
Post by Farley Flud
But it's not only pressing the keys. It's also learning and remembering
the correct sequence/combination.
Good tools should help you with that.
Post by Farley Flud
You managed to do it, I'm impressed.
Post by Farley Flud
But if I could not copy/paste then I would have to know the
correct sequence/combination of keys and I can't waste time with
learning something that I will use only very infrequently.
Yes, but I never saw you write my first name except when you answered
some messages I wrote. In other words, you would always have been able
to copy/paste if if needed. I always saw you call me by my last name
when answering to someone else message.
Post by Farley Flud
The approximation, Stephane, although imperfect, is good enough
and no one should have any complaints.
I'm not complaining about that. I'm saying that your keyboard, as all
keyboard designed for Americans are only designed to write English, the
rest can fall into oblivion.
Post by Farley Flud
Unicode math symbols are extensive but, AFAIK, there are no
keyboards that contain even a partial subset of the symbols.
Instead, a complicated sequence/combination of key presses
is required for each symbol and such key presses often differ
with different software. Entering math symbols is a huge
There are tools here to help you with that.
Post by Farley Flud
Then you can enter the "integral" symbol by pressing Win+J,
where Win is the otherwise useless "Windows Menu" key on some
The "Windows key" is just useless for you who are a lackey of your
mouse pretending the keyboard is superior. But if you want to avoid your
mouse, it's great to use the "Windows key" because it won't infer with
your applications. And mapping your keyboard as you do would render any
tilling WM unusable without bringing any advantage.
Post by Farley Flud
This layout needs some work and is also DOES NOT WORK ON THAT
Exactly my point. It's a lot of work where alternatives are easy to use
and better which can work at the same time with wayland and with xorg.

I'll just give you two of them, you won't like them because, unlike your
claims you'd rather use a mouse than a terminal. If you used a terminal,
you'd know how important a good terminal is and you would consider
kitty, which has among other things a great way to help with unicode:
<https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/kittens/unicode_input/> But I know,
you'd rather use your limited terminal just pretending it's enough.

And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse. But it's too
difficult for you to use. But vim has digraphs to help with unicode:
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-24 21:07:21 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
Small correction:

"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
2025-01-24 22:19:37 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
Thanks, I'll try to remember it. It's a difficult point because French
and English words are not always displayed u=in the same order. I guess
the more I read English, the less I'll do the mistake.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-24 22:54:42 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
Thanks, I'll try to remember it. It's a difficult point because French
and English words are not always displayed u=in the same order.
If I could read/write/speak a few sentences in another language I'd be
happy. But as you said, the US is the center of the world, and nearly
everyone else speaks English. Thanks for accommodating us!
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
I guess the more I read English, the less I'll do the mistake.
"make that mistake."

'make a/the/that mistake' is how it's said here (present tense)
* If you hurry, you're more likely to make a mistake.
* Did you make the mistake of installing Linux?
* I won't make that mistake again.

'made' is the past tense:
* He made a mistake.
* She made two mistakes.

But like I said, your English is good and often has more nuance than I
would expect from a non-native speaker.
2025-01-25 01:09:01 UTC
Post by DFS
If I could read/write/speak a few sentences in another language I'd be
happy. But as you said, the US is the center of the world, and nearly
everyone else speaks English. Thanks for accommodating us!
When I was in school engineering students were encouraged to learn German
since German technical papers might be of interest. That was then. The
business and shop kids took Spanish. That would have proved to be more
useful since Spanish speakers apparently have little interest in learning
2025-01-25 10:23:28 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
Thanks, I'll try to remember it. It's a difficult point because French
and English words are not always displayed u=in the same order.
If I could read/write/speak a few sentences in another language I'd be
You should try to learn. One thing I never anticipated in learning a
foreign language was: I'd learn about my language, too. In your language,
you have some habits and don't realize things too obvious. And when you
learn another language, you compare it with your own language and
realize things about your language you never anticipated.
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
I guess the more I read English, the less I'll do the mistake.
"make that mistake."
OK, here, it's a difficult point too. Because in French, there is only
one word to say "do" and "make". If I know the difference between them,
it's not always obvious to know which one I have to use.
Post by DFS
'make a/the/that mistake' is how it's said here (present tense)
* If you hurry, you're more likely to make a mistake.
* Did you make the mistake of installing Linux?
* I won't make that mistake again.
* He made a mistake.
* She made two mistakes.
Here, it's not the mistake I made. I know when to choose between "make"
and "made", as I know when to choose between "do" and "did". I can use
the wrong one, but only if I'm tired or if I don't take enough care, not
because lack of knowledge. I never know when to use "chose" or "choose"
because they have the same pronunciation and I'll always have to look
on Internet to find the answer.
Post by DFS
But like I said, your English is good and often has more nuance than I
would expect from a non-native speaker.
It's mandatory if I want to improve. I have to look for more words than
the one who comes naturally.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-25 11:08:21 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
Thanks, I'll try to remember it. It's a difficult point because French
and English words are not always displayed u=in the same order.
If I could read/write/speak a few sentences in another language I'd be
You should try to learn. One thing I never anticipated in learning a
foreign language was: I'd learn about my language, too. In your language,
you have some habits and don't realize things too obvious. And when you
learn another language, you compare it with your own language and
realize things about your language you never anticipated.
Learning English when you know French or the opposite is particularly
interesting because you are forced to learn history to explain why
certain things are similar and others different. Since one culture is
mostly Latin and the other Germanic, there should be little to nothing
in common in the language, but certain words and terms are identical. A
lot of it is the result of the many wars between the two people and the
trade between them.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
I guess the more I read English, the less I'll do the mistake.
"make that mistake."
OK, here, it's a difficult point too. Because in French, there is only
one word to say "do" and "make". If I know the difference between them,
it's not always obvious to know which one I have to use.
English is a little less logical in this respect because you'll say
"j'ai fait une erreur" but he is expecting you to say "j'ai créé une
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
'make a/the/that mistake' is how it's said here (present tense)
* If you hurry, you're more likely to make a mistake.
* Did you make the mistake of installing Linux?
* I won't make that mistake again.
* He made a mistake.
* She made two mistakes.
Here, it's not the mistake I made. I know when to choose between "make"
and "made", as I know when to choose between "do" and "did". I can use
the wrong one, but only if I'm tired or if I don't take enough care, not
because lack of knowledge. I never know when to use "chose" or "choose"
because they have the same pronunciation and I'll always have to look
on Internet to find the answer.
Here is a similar one: in English, you'll say "that makes sense."
Because of the strong American culture here in Quebec, many French
speakers will say "cela fait du sens" without thinking twice. However,
it should translate to "cela a du sens" because French understands that
you can't _produce_ sense, something either has it or doesn't.

However, this little conversation has inspired me to quote a line from
The Matrix Revolutions:

"I love French wine, like I the French language. I have sampled every
language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse
with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard
d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it."

I have to concur. Insults are a lot more fun in French.

< snip >
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 16:51:19 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
"I love French wine, like I the French language. I have sampled every
language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse
with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard
d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it."
But _you_ wipe your ass with sandpaper.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down
2025-01-25 14:07:32 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
And kitty is well integrated with vim which is a good text editor for
someone using more extensively his keyboard than his mouse.
"someone using his keyboard more extensively than his mouse."
Thanks, I'll try to remember it. It's a difficult point because French
and English words are not always displayed u=in the same order.
If I could read/write/speak a few sentences in another language I'd be
You should try to learn.
I'm lazy. I probably never will.

I had a little Spanish in high school. And I spent a week in Germany 20
years ago, and by the end could read German well enough to get by.
Couldn't understand spoken German at all, though.

What do you call a person that can speak three languages? Trilingual.
What do you call a person that can speak two languages? Bilingual.
What do you call a person that can speak one language? American.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
One thing I never anticipated in learning a
foreign language was: I'd learn about my language, too. In your language,
you have some habits and don't realize things too obvious. And when you
learn another language, you compare it with your own language and
realize things about your language you never anticipated.
Good point.

Linguistics is fairly interesting.

Check out 'The Professor and The Madman' movie. The Mel Gibson
character is based on British lexicographer James Murray, who claimed
"an 'intimate acquaintance' with Italian, French, Catalan, Spanish, and
Latin, and 'to a lesser degree Portuguese, Vaudois, Provençal & various
dialects'. In addition, he was 'tolerably familiar' with Dutch, German,
and Danish. His studies of Anglo-Saxon and Mœso-Gothic had been 'much
closer', he knew 'a little of the Celtic' and was at the time 'engaged
with the Slavonic, having obtained a useful knowledge of the Russian'.
He had 'sufficient knowledge of Hebrew and Syriac to read and cite the
Old Testament and Peshito' and to a lesser degree he knew Aramaic,
Arabic, Coptic, and Phoenician." (per wikipedia).

Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
I guess the more I read English, the less I'll do the mistake.
"make that mistake."
OK, here, it's a difficult point too. Because in French, there is only
one word to say "do" and "make". If I know the difference between them,
it's not always obvious to know which one I have to use.
Make it happen. ok in English
Make it work. ok in English

Do it happen. not ok
Do it work. not ok

Make the job. not ok
Do the job. ok

Make up a story ok
Do up a story ok but uncommon

I can see how it could be confusing.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
'make a/the/that mistake' is how it's said here (present tense)
* If you hurry, you're more likely to make a mistake.
* Did you make the mistake of installing Linux?
* I won't make that mistake again.
* He made a mistake.
* She made two mistakes.
Here, it's not the mistake I made. I know when to choose between "make"
and "made", as I know when to choose between "do" and "did". I can use
the wrong one, but only if I'm tired or if I don't take enough care, not
because lack of knowledge. I never know when to use "chose" or "choose"
because they have the same pronunciation
No, they have very different pronunciations in English:

chose sounds like chOz long o (froze)
choose sounds like chooz long u (cruise)
lose sounds like looz long u (booze)
loose sounds like looss long u and sibilant s (hiss, moose)

chose doesn't sound at all like the others
choose and lose rhyme closely
choose and loose partially rhyme

It must be a pain for 'foreigners' to learn.

cut is a short u - uh
cute is a long u - yoo (also look up 'magic e' words)
coot is a long u - oo

And then there's English slang.

Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and Polish),
so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing fanboy letters to
Trump and Putin and Assad).
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
and I'll always have to look
on Internet to find the answer.
Post by DFS
But like I said, your English is good and often has more nuance than I
would expect from a non-native speaker.
It's mandatory if I want to improve. I have to look for more words than
the one who comes naturally.
Are you trying to improve your English for professional reasons?
Resolving 8 million Linux bugs? Trying to impress an American woman?
2025-01-25 14:16:45 UTC
chose  sounds like chOz   long o  (froze)
choose sounds like chooz  long u  (cruise)
lose   sounds like looz   long u  (booze)
loose  sounds like looss  long u and sibilant s (hiss, moose)
chose doesn't sound at all like the others
choose and lose rhyme closely
choose and loose partially rhyme
It must be a pain for 'foreigners' to learn.
cut is a short u - uh
cute is a long u - yoo  (also look up 'magic e' words)
coot is a long u - oo
And then there's English slang.
Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and Polish),
so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing fanboy letters to
Trump and Putin and Assad).
It's still better than masturbating to images of Kamala Harris and
Hillary Clinton the way that you do.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
2025-01-25 14:47:47 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and
Polish), so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing fanboy
letters to Trump and Putin and Assad).
It's still better than masturbating to images of Kamala Harris and
Hillary Clinton the way that you do.
The deranged lowlife Trump pardoned hundreds of violent Jan 6 losers.
Unbelievable. Even some of those pardoned think the pardons are a joke:

Jason Riddle pleaded guilty to theft of government property and
illegally protesting inside the Capitol. He was sentenced in April 2022
to 90 days in prison.

He was struggling with alcohol in Jan 2021, and "obsessed" with Trump.
Now he says: "I don't need to obsess over a narcissistic bully to feel
better about myself. Trump can shove his pardon up his a--."

But the crackdown on the greasy illegals invasion is a GREAT thing, as
is the shutdown of DEI in the federal govt, and many of his early
executive orders.

2025-01-25 15:28:14 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and
Polish), so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing
fanboy letters to Trump and Putin and Assad).
It's still better than masturbating to images of Kamala Harris and
Hillary Clinton the way that you do.
The deranged lowlife Trump pardoned hundreds of violent Jan 6 losers.
He pardoned patriots just like he said he would, the horror!
Post by DFS
Jason Riddle pleaded guilty to theft of government property and
illegally protesting inside the Capitol. He was sentenced in April 2022
to 90 days in prison.
He was struggling with alcohol in Jan 2021, and "obsessed" with Trump.
Now he says: "I don't need to obsess over a narcissistic bully to feel
better about myself.  Trump can shove his pardon up his a--."
If he feels that life is better in prison, that's fine. However, Enrique
Tarrio in his interview on Louder with Crowder made it clear that these
people were offered a release if they testified against Trump or spoke
ill of him. It's pretty clear what happened here. It's also pretty clear
that facts don't penetrate that head of yours when they contradict the
political beliefs you hold.
Post by DFS
But the crackdown on the greasy illegals invasion is a GREAT thing, as
is the shutdown of DEI in the federal govt, and many of his early
executive orders.
Soon, there won't be spics and niggers lining up to rape Chris Ahlstrom.
He might soon be able to walk properly again.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
2025-01-26 16:01:32 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and
Polish), so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing
fanboy letters to Trump and Putin and Assad).
It's still better than masturbating to images of Kamala Harris and
Hillary Clinton the way that you do.
The deranged lowlife Trump pardoned hundreds of violent Jan 6 losers.
He pardoned patriots just like he said he would, the horror!
Being patriotic doesn't forgive violence and aggravated assault and
death threats to innocent people. Many of those Jan 6 dirtbags hit
security people and cops on the head with metal, choked them, gassed
them, shouted 'hang Mike Pence', etc.

I can only imagine the pathetic whining if cops did the same thing to them.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Jason Riddle pleaded guilty to theft of government property and
illegally protesting inside the Capitol. He was sentenced in April
2022 to 90 days in prison.
He was struggling with alcohol in Jan 2021, and "obsessed" with Trump.
Now he says: "I don't need to obsess over a narcissistic bully to feel
better about myself.  Trump can shove his pardon up his a--."
If he feels that life is better in prison, that's fine.
Notice now that he's sober, he can't stand Trump.
Post by CrudeSausage
However, Enrique
Tarrio in his interview on Louder with Crowder made it clear that these
people were offered a release if they testified against Trump or spoke
ill of him.
1) How could those clowns testify against Trump? They didn't meet with
him personally to plan the bumbling riot they participated in.

2) since when is 'speaking ill' of someone the defendant doesn't even
know a prosecution strategy?

Tarrio is full of shit. How can you believe these losers?

Trump is full of shit, too. He thinks being reelected and pardoning
those idiots means he was in the right. He wasn't. And his lies about
a "stolen election" were and always will be lies. If anything, it was
people loyal to Trump that tried to steal the election: fake electors
that forged signatures, Fox News lying blabbermouths, the shameful Rudy
Giuliani, the nutjob Mike Lindell and his lies and false data, etc.

Hey, why didn't the same clowns protest the 2024 election results?
Post by CrudeSausage
It's pretty clear what happened here.
Yes it is. Mentally-impaired malcontents believed everything the
scumbag liar Donald Trump said, and some acted upon their stupidity. And
then they were caught and punished for it. And now the scumbag liar
Donald Trump has prematurely ended their punishment.
Post by CrudeSausage
It's also pretty clear that facts
What facts are you referring to? You didn't provide any. Trump didn't
provide any. Tarrio didn't provide any.
Post by CrudeSausage
don't penetrate that head of yours when they contradict the
political beliefs you hold.
You concoct, in your head, the political beliefs I hold in mine.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
But the crackdown on the greasy illegals invasion is a GREAT thing, as
is the shutdown of DEI in the federal govt, and many of his early
executive orders.
Soon, there won't be spics and niggers lining up to rape Chris Ahlstrom.
He might soon be able to walk properly again.
Don't forget his wife violates him too...
2025-01-27 13:34:57 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Slimer/Crude Sausage is very fluent in French and English (and
Polish), so he can help you too (when he's not too busy writing
fanboy letters to Trump and Putin and Assad).
It's still better than masturbating to images of Kamala Harris and
Hillary Clinton the way that you do.
The deranged lowlife Trump pardoned hundreds of violent Jan 6 losers.
He pardoned patriots just like he said he would, the horror!
Being patriotic doesn't forgive violence and aggravated assault and
death threats to innocent people.  Many of those Jan 6 dirtbags hit
security people and cops on the head with metal, choked them, gassed
them, shouted 'hang Mike Pence', etc.
I can only imagine the pathetic whining if cops did the same thing to them.
Those who were responsible for actual crimes had their sentences
commuted but were not pardoned. The ones who were pardoned were people
who committed no crimes whatsoever other than being guilty of walking
through Congress with a police escort. Enrique Tarrio, who got two
decades, wasn't anywhere near the area that day. His is a definition of
a political prosecution.

< snip DFS's complete ignorance of the details >
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
Farley Flud
2025-01-24 22:37:40 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
Unicode math symbols are extensive but, AFAIK, there are no
keyboards that contain even a partial subset of the symbols.
Instead, a complicated sequence/combination of key presses
is required for each symbol and such key presses often differ
with different software. Entering math symbols is a huge
There are tools here to help you with that.
Provide a link that is not web oriented.

You cannot.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
The "Windows key" is just useless for you who are a lackey of your
mouse pretending the keyboard is superior.
You missed my entire X keyboard redirection.


Because you are a fucking IDIOT.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
This layout needs some work and is also DOES NOT WORK ON THAT
Exactly my point. It's a lot of work where alternatives are easy to use
and better which can work at the same time with wayland and with xorg.
You have no fucking alternatives. You are just babbling like a psycho
in a lunatic asylum.
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
you'd know how important a good terminal is and you would consider
You only advocate "kitty" because you cannot obtain any "pussy."

(Excuse me if the English colloquial expression cannot be translated
into French.)

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-25 01:04:04 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
I'm not complaining about that. I'm saying that your keyboard, as all
keyboard designed for Americans are only designed to write English, the
rest can fall into oblivion.
When we did a project for Puerto Rico we bought a couple of Spanish
keyboards. Yes you can do mappings or weird key combinations but it is a

The Spanish keyboards didn't do much for our inability to speak Spanish
but so it goes. Let them figure out the Spanglish.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2025-01-25 02:14:42 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard.
The most common one would be the 🇺🇸 layout, which we use here in 🇳🇿 as

I can type all kinds of characters on that, by defining a Compose key
2025-01-25 11:05:47 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard.
The most common one would be the 🇺🇸 layout, which we use here in 🇳🇿 as
In the picture which one represents the real standard one?
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-29 03:30:30 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard.
The most common one would be the 🇺🇸 layout, which we use here in 🇳🇿 as
In the picture which one represents the real standard one?
K is by far the most common layout I've seen. I would consider it the
2025-02-01 10:19:26 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard.
The most common one would be the 🇺🇸 layout, which we use here in 🇳🇿 as
In the picture which one represents the real standard one?
K is by far the most common layout I've seen. I would consider it the
I never seen a laptop with a keyboard like that.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 11:06:04 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
There is no such thing as "the" standard computer keyboard. The fact
Special keyboards, which could be "daisy chained*" to the regular
keyboard, should be available but they are not.

Here is an image of the main wxMaxima window:

Loading Image...

Note on the left are a couple of panes that contain various math
characters (all Unicode). By clicking on a character with the
mouse pointer (or with a complex keystroke shortcut) it will be
entered into the text area on the right.

But what about doing this with actual hardware?

I should be able to purchase small, specialized keyboards containing
these characters that could be plugged via USB into my main keyboard.
With this daisy chaining technique I could have all the Unicode
symbols that I require directly at my fingertips. No more awkward
mouse entry would be necessary.

However, such specialized keyboards do not exist. We are all stuck
with the common ordinary Qwerty keyboard hardware.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_chain_(electrical_engineering)
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
Farley Flud
2025-01-18 15:40:57 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
For your
information, at that time, Britain possessed only a part of north
America. So when the British colonies switched to Gregorian calendar,
most of the Americas were already using it.
It is all a consequence of the Protestant-Catholic split.

France was a Catholic nation and was forced by the popes to adopt
the GC.

Britain, however, was Protestant and tended to reject Catholic

So I don't need your fucking information. I am only concerned
with the reason Unix/Linux/GNU has chosen 1752 for its default.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-18 23:12:10 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
For your
information, at that time, Britain possessed only a part of north
America. So when the British colonies switched to Gregorian calendar,
most of the Americas were already using it.
It is all a consequence of the Protestant-Catholic split.
Yes, I know that, it's that obvious I believed that even an illiterate
like you would knew that and I didn't need to spell it.
Post by Farley Flud
France was a Catholic nation and was forced by the popes to adopt
the GC.
Yes but no. France wasn't forced, but it was the good thing to do and
did it because following the Pope wasn't an issue for them. Unlike
England which preferred to be at odd with the reality than following the
Post by Farley Flud
Britain, however, was Protestant and tended to reject Catholic
So I don't need your fucking information.
In fact, you did. You changed the subject to run like Forrest GUMP, but
I know why I wrote that. You said that Americas changed the date when it
was only a part of north America which did. The Americas were colonies of
Portugal, Spain, France and England at that time. And England was far
from having the broader part of it. And it was the only protestant part
when the other parts already switched to the Gregorian calendar.
Post by Farley Flud
I am only concerned with the reason Unix/Linux/GNU has chosen 1752 for
its default.
No, you were speaking about the Americas, when your sentence concerned
only a limited portion of it. And your vision of the world reflects
exactly what I spoke in another message: as a real limited American, you
don't consider anything outside of the USA as existing. And that's the
reason you can't understand that if you belong to one of the greatest
nation of the world you are heated by the rest of the world. It's
because you consider everything outside of America as your colony, not
because everyone is jealous of you.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-18 16:45:49 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Rely, I dont care about issues about things that don't matter. Nobody is
concerned about that. You should take care of actual problems in actual
life. I knew you are stuck in the past, I didn't knew it was that long
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You are truly an anti-intellectual

These things should concern all of us but, thanks to fucking
intellectual losers like you, we are stuck with this ridiculous

Consider how stupid this calendar is:

* Each month has a different number of days.

* Each month has weeks of 7 days that never fit but always overlap.

It's a total fucking mess, and it affects all of us through
weird billing, delivery, payroll, holiday, and many other schedules.

There have been attempts at calendar reform in the recent past
but all have, predictably, failed due to anti-intellectual assholes
like you.

We need a calendar with regular months, commensurate weeks, and
other features to eliminate the current fiasco.

You read about it here:



There are many other sources that describe the much needed calendar

But it is quit predictable that, because of anti-intellectual assholes
like you, reform will always fail. We are, therefore, stuck forever
with this current calendric mess.

Thanks a lot, fucking idiot asshole.
Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down
2025-01-18 21:28:13 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Rely, I dont care about issues about things that don't matter. Nobody is
concerned about that. You should take care of actual problems in actual
life. I knew you are stuck in the past, I didn't knew it was that long
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You are truly an anti-intellectual
These things should concern all of us but, thanks to fucking
intellectual losers like you, we are stuck with this ridiculous
* Each month has a different number of days.
* Each month has weeks of 7 days that never fit but always overlap.
It's a total fucking mess, and it affects all of us through
weird billing, delivery, payroll, holiday, and many other schedules.
There have been attempts at calendar reform in the recent past
but all have, predictably, failed due to anti-intellectual assholes
like you.
We need a calendar with regular months, commensurate weeks, and
other features to eliminate the current fiasco.

Check out the Iranian so-called "algorithmic" calendar. A lot of your
concerns are solved in it. It's the best calendar that exists.
2025-01-18 20:39:20 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
But there is no jump at Oct 5 1582 either because all previous
That's what's needed only when the question is, "How many days ago was
that event?" This is not all that a calendar _conversion_ program can
provide (mine uses such extrapolations too when needed).

When converting a calendar date recorded in some old source in Gregorian
or Julian or whatever, to another calendar in use elsewhere to get an
idea it was simultaneously with what events in those other places, this
use of GC (i.e. extrapolated backward) can't be readily used.