Trump picks up '100,000 votes' with every time Dumby Harris bombs an interview, JD Vance says at campaign rally
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2024-09-26 01:54:44 UTC
Kamala Harris is serving up so much “word salad” during her rare
media interviews according to Republican veep candidate J.D.
Vance, that the Trump campaign is openly rooting for her to do

“Every time she does [an interview], I think we pick up 100,000
votes,” Vance quipped during a rally on Saturday in Leesport,
Pa., when asked about Harris avoiding media interviews.

Harris’ latest public-speaking debacle came Thursday during a
star-studded virtual rally hosted by Oprah Winfrey.

She ended with a two-minute monologue that confused many people
listening — including Winfrey, according to online commentators
who said the powerful media mogul looked “lost” and

“We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do,
that’s why everybody’s here right now. We love our country. We–
we take pride in the privilege of being American and this is a
moment where we can and must come together as Americans,
understanding we have so much more in common than what separates
us,” Harris said with pauses and smiles.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump also fired shots at
Harris’ bizarre remarks at the celebrity rally while addressing
10,000 of his supporters on Saturday in Wilmington, N.C.

“Kamala was a total disaster yesterday, and at every other
interview it’s been a freefall …. She just can’t do an
interview,” he said.

During a softball interview with an ABC affiliate last week –
her first solo media sit-down since becoming the Democratic
presidential nominee — Harris also appeared to dodge questions
and said little of substance.

Harris went off on a series of cringe-worthy rants with anchor
Brian Taff of Philadelphia-based Action News 6, including after
Taff’s initial question on how she’d bring prices down in the

“Well, I’ll start with this: I grew up as a middle-class kid. My
mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard,” said
Harris, before moving on to greener pastures — but not the

“I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of
their lawn. You know? And, um, and I was raised to believe and
to know that all people deserve dignity,” the vice president

She never said how she’d tackle inflation, but instead
highlighted her proposed policy to give a $25,000 handout to new
homeowners and provide tax breaks to new small businesses.

Governor Swill
2024-09-26 16:02:43 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 03:54:44 +0200 (CEST), "Comrades"
Post by Comrades
Kamala Harris is serving up so much “word salad” during her rare
media interviews according to Republican veep candidate J.D.
Vance, that the Trump campaign is openly rooting for her to do
“Every time she does [an interview], I think we pick up 100,000
votes,” Vance quipped during a rally on Saturday in Leesport,
Pa., when asked about Harris avoiding media interviews.
Ahh ... The bitterness of self delusion!

NP: Pink Floyd - Time (Live, PULSE)

Scam fail
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 40 days.

13) Trump disbanded the National Security Council's
pandemic response team.

14) Trump repeatedly lied about the danger of covid
saying it was no worse than the flue or that it would
go away on its own.

But behind closed doors, Trump admitted it was deadly.