The week in whoppers: John Kirby gaslights on transfer of weapons to Taliban, Dan Goldman lies about Trump deportation plans and more
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2024-09-25 22:50:35 UTC
Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions
This claim:
“There was no handover of US equipment to the Taliban.” — WH
spokesman John Kirby, Monday

We say: Team Harris-Biden left behind $7.1 billion in military
equipment and technology during the botched bugout from
Afghanistan, a House committee report this week confirmed.

The Taliban then snapped it up — including fingerprint devices
that they later used to track down our abandoned Afghan allies.

The Associated Press had to delete a tweet that incorrectly
claimed that Sen. JD Vance called school shooting a “fact of
— Sept. 5

We say: Vance actually said “I don’t like that this is a fact of
life,” but “if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines,
you realize that our schools are soft targets, and we have got
to bolster security at our schools.”

The AP got raked over the coals for its dishonest framing and
wound up deleting the tweet.

This charge:
“The Trump policy is to deport everybody, whether they have a
green card or not.”

— Rep. Dan Goldman, Sunday

We say: Donald Trump wants to deport people who are here
illegally, but when the facts aren’t on their side, Democrats

That’s why Goldman also claimed Trump wants to “eliminate all
immigration essentially” because Republicans “do not want people
who are not white to come into this country.”

It’s pure bunk: Trump actually supports legal immigration, at
least for those who’d contribute to the nation’s future.

This fact check:
“[Trump falsely said Harris backs] transgender operations on
illegal aliens in prison.” — Time, Wednesday

We say: Time was forced to issue an embarrassing correction here
because Kamala Harris did, in fact, support taxpayer-funded
transgender surgeries for migrants in 2019.

Instead of checking Harris’ record, Time instinctively assumed
Trump was making it up; it sounded outrageous only because
Harris’ position was outrageous.

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

Governor Swill
2024-09-26 15:52:09 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 00:50:35 +0200 (CEST), "Comrades"
Post by Comrades
We say: Team Harris-Biden left behind $7.1 billion in military
equipment and technology during the botched bugout from
Afghanistan, a House committee report this week confirmed.
A bugout botched by Trump. He negotiated in September with the same terrorists
who harbored Bin Laden and smuggled him into Pakistan. He then blindsided the
Pentagon by ordering all troops to be out by Christmas - without a plan for
doing so. By inauguration day, there were only enough troops left to guard the
Kabul airport for the remaining retreat meaning there wasn't any way to get US
equipment out. Worse, the remaining forces weren't enough to guard Bagram
(which Trump thinks is in Alaska and has more oil than Saudi Arabia) forcing the
remaining withdrawal to be done via Kabul's airport.

NP: Pink Floyd - Speak To Me (Live, PULSE)

The highest point on earth is not Mount Everest
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 40 days.

13) Trump disbanded the National Security Council's
pandemic response team.

14) Trump repeatedly lied about the danger of covid
saying it was no worse than the flue or that it would
go away on its own.

But behind closed doors, Trump admitted it was deadly.