Kernel 6.13 Changes
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Farley Flud
2025-01-25 12:45:55 UTC
For the builders, here are some goodies I found in the latest
kernel 6.13:

**Preemption Model
1. No Forced Preemption (Server) (PREEMPT_NONE)
2. Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) (PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY)
3. Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) (PREEMPT)
4. Scheduler controlled preemption model (PREEMPT_LAZY) (NEW)
choice[1-4?]: 4

Yes, definitely select #4, or lazy preemption.

**Enable RCU priority boosting (RCU_BOOST) [N/y/?] (NEW) ?

I'm not sure about this, but the help says to enable if
using RT or heavy loads. I'll pick "no" which is the default.

**Split Lock Detect and Bus Lock Detect support (X86_BUS_LOCK_DETECT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ?

Definitely say "yes" to this. In the event that this occurs it
will improve performance. Read the docs for more info.

**TLP Processing Hints (PCIE_TPH) [N/y/?] (NEW) ?

I believe that this is AMD specific. Since I don't use that AMD
junk I say "no." But it doesn't really matter since this option
is only for PCIe 5th Gen and I don't have that.

**PCIe cooling support (PCIE_THERMAL) [N/y/?] (NEW) ?

My systems are so efficiently cooled that nothing ever rises
far above ambient, so "no."

That's all for this iteration.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-25 14:16:42 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
I believe that this is AMD specific.
You shouldn't believe, you should learn, but it's beyond you abilities.
Post by Farley Flud
My systems are so efficiently cooled that nothing ever rises
far above ambient, so "no."
The only thing I know about your systems is a picture you sent here not
that long ago. And they weren't efficiently cooled. A designed box to
put your computer in it is far more efficient than open air. You can
believe what you want: you are wrong about it.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 14:54:24 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
A designed box to
put your computer in it is far more efficient than open air. You can
believe what you want: you are wrong about it.
Prove it, idiot.

You know nothing about fluid dynamics and heat transfer.

My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"

The only drawback is dust build up but now I employ vacuum
systems to handle it during regular maintenance.

You have only a fat, stupid mouth but no fucking brains.
Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down
2025-01-25 19:39:04 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
A designed box to
put your computer in it is far more efficient than open air. You can
believe what you want: you are wrong about it.
Prove it, idiot.
There is nothing to prove: it's obvious.
Post by Farley Flud
You know nothing about fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
Obviously, you don't understand what you pretend to know.
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be because in a box you can control the flow of the air. With
your open construction, you control nothing. You just have to open a
door and a window to see that by yourself.
Post by Farley Flud
You have only a fat, stupid mouth but no fucking brains.
There are two miracles here at the same time:
- First you have a running computer, that proves FOSS is great.
- Second you are still alive, you should thank the protection of your
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 20:13:15 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be
I warned you before. Do not attempt to overrule my statements
with your profound idiocy.

I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world, and if I ask
them they will do it. Those mutherfuckers are brutal.

If you make the attempt again then your ass is grass.

Gentoo: The Fastest GNU/Linux Hands Down
2025-01-25 20:21:20 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be
I warned you before. Do not attempt to overrule my statements
with your profound idiocy.
I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world, and if I ask
them they will do it. Those mutherfuckers are brutal.
If you make the attempt again then your ass is grass.
Enough, Larry, no threatening Stéphane. Your setup works for you,
fine, some of us are going to say that it's not particularly efficient
to not have a case, and you were overreacting to him.
Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent. States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.
2025-01-25 21:12:51 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be
I warned you before. Do not attempt to overrule my statements
with your profound idiocy.
I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world, and if I ask
them they will do it. Those mutherfuckers are brutal.
If you make the attempt again then your ass is grass.
Enough, Larry, no threatening Stéphane. Your setup works for you,
fine, some of us are going to say that it's not particularly efficient
to not have a case, and you were overreacting to him.
No, Carpentier's anus got too close to him at last :-) Hehe :)

Let that anus get within one inch of "DFS" and see what _her_ reaction
would be.
2025-01-25 21:39:44 UTC
Post by Joel
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be
I warned you before. Do not attempt to overrule my statements
with your profound idiocy.
I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world, and if I ask
them they will do it. Those mutherfuckers are brutal.
If you make the attempt again then your ass is grass.
Enough, Larry, no threatening Stéphane.
He's not threatening me: he's daydreaming. He's living in the fantasy
world he pretends to disapprove.
Post by Joel
Your setup works for you, fine,
Note that I'm not saying his setup doesn't work. I'm just saying that,
unlike his claim, it's not the best one.
Post by Joel
some of us are going to say that it's not particularly efficient to
not have a case,
Nobody has to answer him, but if someone wants to answer, it's the only
possible one.
Post by Joel
and you were overreacting to him.
Like always, his mouth is far bigger than his brain. I'm not afraid of
his reaction, if you are, you shouldn't. You are nice, but you shouldn't
believe he can support his claims.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-25 21:02:20 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world,
Do you know Russian?.. :)
2025-01-25 21:29:56 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
It can't be
I warned you before.
Yes, I remember that. I wasn't impressed at the time, I'm still not
impressed today. I can't be impressed by a self deceiving illiterate
first class order moron unable to get far away from is asylum.
Post by Farley Flud
Do not attempt to overrule my statements with your profound idiocy.
Or what? You'll laugh like a lunatic? You'll give me a badge of honor
calling me idiot? You'll liberate your homosexual behavior to tell once
again you are ready to fuck me? You'll bang your head against your
asylum wall crying like a little boy? You'll cry for your pet dog the
terrorist to be near me when he blows his head off believing he'll go to
paradise after a suicide?
Post by Farley Flud
I have brothers in KGB/Spetsnaz all over the world, and if I ask
them they will do it. Those mutherfuckers are brutal.
OK, I was surprised to discovered you don't know Forrest GUMP. I
shouldn't have been, but I was nevertheless. Hollywood makes great
movies, but not only. And it looks like you are knowing only the bad
ones. So, for your information, Rambo is not a documentary. Neither is
Commando. Fast and Furious 42 is not a realistic movie. You pretend you
disapprove about fiction, but it looks like you are living in a world of
fiction. The wake up will be difficult.

No real special force guy would kill someone for no reason. It would
blow his cover and he wouldn't do it just because I proved you are a

And, by the way, for your information: the KBG doesn't exist anymore.
Neither the Spetsnaz. You should try to keep up: you are the only one is
the world unaware of it. You just proved, once again, that you are stuck
in the past
Post by Farley Flud
If you make the attempt again then your ass is grass.
Yes, I know, you are obsessed with my ass. But make no mistake. I don't
care about your homosexual behaviour as long as you keep it with your
homosexual friends. If you try to rape me, you'll be surprised it won't
go as further as your expectations.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
Farley Flud
2025-01-25 22:22:50 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
OK, I was surprised to discovered you don't know Forrest GUMP. I
shouldn't have been, but I was nevertheless. Hollywood makes great
OMFG! What do think that I am, a fucking stupefied couch potato?

I am proud to admit that I have not watched television or seen
a Hollywood "movie" since I was 14 years old -- and before then
it was only because I did not, indeed could not, know any better.

But _you_ are obviously another stupefied victim of the ubiquitous
popular culture. All that you know or understand has been spoon
fed to you by the Hollywood moguls. You are a pathetically flawed
and failed human organism.

_You_ are a puppet of the conglomerates. You will eat, drink,
think, and believe only what they tell you.

That's why you use mainstream distros. You are incapable of
making your own decisions. You are an IDIOT.

Now get out of my site. I want nothing to do with a total
loser like you.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-25 22:44:14 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
OK, I was surprised to discovered you don't know Forrest GUMP. I
shouldn't have been, but I was nevertheless. Hollywood makes great
OMFG! What do think that I am, a fucking stupefied couch potato?
Most people think you are a fucking retard.
You prove it every time you post.
A stupefied couch potato would be an improvement for a fool like you.
Post by Farley Flud
I am proud to admit that I have not watched television or seen
a Hollywood "movie" since I was 14 years old -- and before then
it was only because I did not, indeed could not, know any better.
If true, which I doubt, it's one of your better traits.
I suspect you are lying though.
Post by Farley Flud
But _you_ are obviously another stupefied victim of the ubiquitous
popular culture. All that you know or understand has been spoon
fed to you by the Hollywood moguls. You are a pathetically flawed
and failed human organism.
What does this have to do with Linux?
Post by Farley Flud
_You_ are a puppet of the conglomerates. You will eat, drink,
think, and believe only what they tell you.
Post by Farley Flud
That's why you use mainstream distros. You are incapable of
making your own decisions. You are an IDIOT.
I also drive mainstream cars, use mainstream microwaves, have
a mainstream phone, use mainstream antibiotics, etc.
What is your point?
Post by Farley Flud
Now get out of my site. I want nothing to do with a total
loser like you.
What site?
You think Usenet belongs to you?
Please explain.
Stéphane CARPENTIER owns you.
You are not even in the same league as him.
I'm sure Linus and the Linux community would welcome you switching to
another OS because you make Linux look bad and obviously don't know
diddly squat about Linux.

Why did Joe Biden pardon his family?
Read below to learn the reason.
The Biden Crime Family Timeline here:
2025-01-25 23:33:58 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
OK, I was surprised to discovered you don't know Forrest GUMP. I
shouldn't have been, but I was nevertheless. Hollywood makes great
OMFG! What do think that I am, a fucking stupefied couch potato?
Most people think you are a fucking retard.
You prove it every time you post.
A stupefied couch potato would be an improvement for a fool like you.
Yep. He says so many stupid things in so little words it's difficult to
catch them all. It's impressive: it can't be natural.
Post by pothead
Post by Farley Flud
I am proud to admit that I have not watched television or seen
a Hollywood "movie" since I was 14 years old -- and before then
it was only because I did not, indeed could not, know any better.
If true, which I doubt, it's one of your better traits.
Why? There are many great Hollywood movies. He could learn a lot with
some of them. And it would be better for him to be inspired by them than
pretending he has brothers among long dismantled units.
Post by pothead
I suspect you are lying though.
Yes, like everything he claims.
Post by pothead
Post by Farley Flud
But _you_ are obviously another stupefied victim of the ubiquitous
popular culture. All that you know or understand has been spoon
fed to you by the Hollywood moguls. You are a pathetically flawed
and failed human organism.
What does this have to do with Linux?
Nothing, he just wants to show he doesn't understand what culture means.
Post by pothead
Post by Farley Flud
_You_ are a puppet of the conglomerates. You will eat, drink,
think, and believe only what they tell you.
Yep, I'm French and I know far better than him about food and drink.
It's obvious from everything he wrote.
<Loading Image...%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd36d2a6ac791a75f38fdb57515f76433c0ddcf82>
Post by pothead
Stéphane CARPENTIER owns you.
Of course, he's my toy.
Post by pothead
I'm sure Linus and the Linux community would welcome you switching to
another OS because you make Linux look bad and obviously don't know
diddly squat about Linux.
Not exactly. He doesn't makes Linux look bad, he makes Linux users look
bad. But except for this little precision, I agree.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-01-26 12:00:15 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
OK, I was surprised to discovered you don't know Forrest GUMP. I
shouldn't have been, but I was nevertheless. Hollywood makes great
OMFG! What do think that I am, a fucking stupefied couch potato?
Most people think you are a fucking retard.
You prove it every time you post.
A stupefied couch potato would be an improvement for a fool like you.
Post by Farley Flud
I am proud to admit that I have not watched television or seen
a Hollywood "movie" since I was 14 years old -- and before then
it was only because I did not, indeed could not, know any better.
If true, which I doubt, it's one of your better traits.
I suspect you are lying though.
Post by Farley Flud
But _you_ are obviously another stupefied victim of the ubiquitous
popular culture. All that you know or understand has been spoon
fed to you by the Hollywood moguls. You are a pathetically flawed
and failed human organism.
What does this have to do with Linux?
Post by Farley Flud
_You_ are a puppet of the conglomerates. You will eat, drink,
think, and believe only what they tell you.
Post by Farley Flud
That's why you use mainstream distros. You are incapable of
making your own decisions. You are an IDIOT.
I also drive mainstream cars, use mainstream microwaves, have
a mainstream phone, use mainstream antibiotics, etc.
What is your point?
Post by Farley Flud
Now get out of my site. I want nothing to do with a total
loser like you.
What site?
You think Usenet belongs to you?
Please explain.
Stéphane CARPENTIER owns you.
You are not even in the same league as him.
I'm sure Linus and the Linux community would welcome you switching to
another OS because you make Linux look bad and obviously don't know
diddly squat about Linux.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
Diego Garcia
2025-01-26 12:11:40 UTC
Post by pothead
I hear a pig fart. Nay, a big, fat ugly hog.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Post by pothead
You are not even in the same league as him.
The correct grammatical construction is "as he."

Whew! This flatus passer never made it past the third grade.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Post by pothead
another OS because you make Linux look bad and obviously don't know
diddly squat about Linux.
Diego Garcia
2025-01-26 12:11:40 UTC
Post by pothead
I hear a pig fart. Nay, a big, fat ugly hog.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Post by pothead
You are not even in the same league as him.
The correct grammatical construction is "as he."

Whew! This flatus passer never made it past the third grade.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Post by pothead
another OS because you make Linux look bad and obviously don't know
diddly squat about Linux.
2025-01-26 00:12:52 UTC
Hollywood makes great movies, but not only.
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.

The only ones I remember the names of are:

Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring
Cyrano de Bergerac

I once rented Irréversible, a horrific movie with Monica Bellucci.

I remember My New Partner (1984) was funny.

Everyone was in love with Catherine Deneuve way back then.
2025-01-26 00:16:41 UTC
Post by DFS
Hollywood makes great movies, but not only.
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring
Cyrano de Bergerac
I once rented Irréversible, a horrific movie with Monica Bellucci.
I remember My New Partner (1984) was funny.
Everyone was in love with Catherine Deneuve way back then.
Look up "Les Diaboliques," . You will probably like it.

Why did Joe Biden pardon his family?
Read below to learn the reason.
The Biden Crime Family Timeline here:
2025-01-26 03:52:45 UTC
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
2025-01-26 15:58:22 UTC
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or 'Les quatre cents coups' ?
Don't tell me you speak French too!

I always meant to seek out a couple Truffaut movies to see what the fuss
was about.
2025-01-26 19:14:25 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at
an art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or 'Les quatre cents coups' ?
Don't tell me you speak French too!
Hell no! That's led to interesting moments as I tried to get a chocolate
shake to go in a small Quebec town.
Post by DFS
I always meant to seek out a couple Truffaut movies to see what the fuss
was about.
I'm not sure I ever saw either of the above but French New Wave was the
hip thing back in the day. The only French film I specifically remember is
'La Femme Nikita'.
2025-01-26 18:19:39 UTC
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.

The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.

Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.

The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty in
France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian dick
farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking things
popping out.

This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain cells
compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the frontal
cortex, but around the anus.
2025-01-27 14:48:22 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.
The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.
Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.
The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty in
France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian dick
farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking things
popping out.
This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain cells
compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the frontal
cortex, but around the anus.
70+ years old and constant "muh dik".

JHC. It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.

2025-01-27 14:57:19 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at an
art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.
The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.
Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.
The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty
in France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian
dick farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking
things popping out.
This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain
cells compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the
frontal cortex, but around the anus.
70+ years old and constant "muh dik".
Just like the black, and with a similar smell.
Post by DFS
JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
2025-01-29 03:26:19 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
2025-01-29 14:27:50 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
I never doubted it. Stationary homes, a big land and lots of room are
for us inferior Cro-Magnons. Only superior specimens with facial hair on
their foreheads and a persistent scent of flaming garbage live in trailers.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
2025-01-29 16:51:11 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
 >> JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
I never doubted it. Stationary homes, a big land and lots of room are
for us inferior Cro-Magnons. Only superior specimens with facial hair on
their foreheads and a persistent scent of flaming garbage live in trailers.

I have 3 stories, 5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, and an 18' x 15' master
closet. 20 illegals could literally call it home. Finish the basement
and add at least 8 more.

But only White Cro-Magnons are welcome. Broke 'modern humans' with a
fur pelt all over don't make the cut...
2025-01-29 17:15:45 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
 >> JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
I never doubted it. Stationary homes, a big land and lots of room are
for us inferior Cro-Magnons. Only superior specimens with facial hair
on their foreheads and a persistent scent of flaming garbage live in
I have 3 stories, 5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, and an 18' x 15' master
closet.  20 illegals could literally call it home.  Finish the basement
and add at least 8 more.
But only White Cro-Magnons are welcome.  Broke 'modern humans' with a
fur pelt all over don't make the cut...
Right now, some Marxist is plotting to take your home and put a dozen
spic families in it. Colonialism and all.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
2025-01-29 18:21:33 UTC
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
 >> JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
I never doubted it. Stationary homes, a big land and lots of room are
for us inferior Cro-Magnons. Only superior specimens with facial hair
on their foreheads and a persistent scent of flaming garbage live in
I have 3 stories, 5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, and an 18' x 15' master
closet.  20 illegals could literally call it home.  Finish the
basement and add at least 8 more.
But only White Cro-Magnons are welcome.  Broke 'modern humans' with a
fur pelt all over don't make the cut...
Right now, some Marxist is plotting to take your home and put a dozen
spic families in it. Colonialism and all.
This is what the US should've been doing for decades

2025-01-29 20:36:51 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
Post by CrudeSausage
 >> JHC.  It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
Post by CrudeSausage
Post by DFS
You got it all wrong, man. That trailer is evidence of his superiority!
To be clear: that's not a troll - that's an actual pic of where the
shaggy Iranian lives.
I never doubted it. Stationary homes, a big land and lots of room
are for us inferior Cro-Magnons. Only superior specimens with facial
hair on their foreheads and a persistent scent of flaming garbage
live in trailers.
I have 3 stories, 5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, and an 18' x 15' master
closet.  20 illegals could literally call it home.  Finish the
basement and add at least 8 more.
But only White Cro-Magnons are welcome.  Broke 'modern humans' with a
fur pelt all over don't make the cut...
Right now, some Marxist is plotting to take your home and put a dozen
spic families in it. Colonialism and all.
This is what the US should've been doing for decades
The difference between us Poles and the rest of Westerners is that we're
not afraid of the truth. I have _zero_ sympathy for the people trying to
cross the border because what they bring is rape, murder and barbaric
values. Shooting them is the only appropriate thing to do.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
2025-01-27 22:11:31 UTC
Post by DFS
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at
an art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.
The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.
Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.
The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty
in France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian dick
farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking things
popping out.
This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain
cells compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the
frontal cortex, but around the anus.
70+ years old and constant "muh dik".
JHC. It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
And look at that creep try to take credit for _Amélie_.

(Lovely movie. No, it's not Persian -- it's French.)
-v System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
OS: Linux 6.13.0 Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 258G
"Press any key... no, no, no, NOT THAT ONE!"
2025-01-27 22:34:47 UTC
Post by vallor
Post by DFS
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at
an art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.
The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.
Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.
The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty
in France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian dick
farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking things
popping out.
This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain
cells compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the
frontal cortex, but around the anus.
70+ years old and constant "muh dik".
JHC. It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
And look at that creep try to take credit for _Amélie_.
(Lovely movie. No, it's not Persian -- it's French.)
Having seen "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain" (that's the full
title), I can say with absolute certainty that there is nothing in there
inspired by sand nigger culture. The romance and sexuality are typically
French. I don't recall a scene where some hairy pedophile with a 60 IQ
has sex with a goat or asks the father of the neighbourhood
four-year-old if he can marry his daughter.
Gab: @CrudeSausage
Telegram: @CrudeSausage
Unapologetic paleoconservative
KDE supporting member
ASUS Zephyrus GA401QM on Manjaro
2025-01-29 03:22:06 UTC
Post by vallor
Post by DFS
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by rbowman
Post by DFS
My Dad and I used to see French films (always subtitled of course) at
an art house theater.
No 'Tirez sur le pianiste' or ' Les quatre cents coups' ?
Tell him he did that to teach proper sex to his outward-looking "son."
He must've suspected something.
The worst, the most fucked up movies in the world were made by the
French, until they saw and saw and saw and... saw enough of Iranian
movies in their festivals until their cro-magnon brains began to learn
how movies are made.
Their very first movie, which one could call a movie, and was in fact
imitation of Iranian movies themes, came out about 20 years back
("Amélie"), and since that movie, a few more real films have been made
by them. The best of them always in cooperation with some other Europeans.
The French are stupid. Cro-magnon stupid. Cro-magnon caves are plenty
in France. And they're the same people save for occasional Iranian dick
farther fucking their women making more Modern Human looking things
popping out.
This Carpentier of this forum is one. Product of cro-magnon woman
getting one more dose of Iranian dick. Except in his case the genes
split in a certain way. He was formed sphincteral. The extra brain
cells compared with a usual cro-magnon didn't stay and form in the
frontal cortex, but around the anus.
70+ years old and constant "muh dik".
JHC. It's no wonder you live in a single-wide trailer.
And look at that creep try to take credit for _Amélie_.
It's par for the course for that ball of greasy hair.

He's too uneducated to know the French were among the first to invent
and record motion pictures.
Post by vallor
(Lovely movie. No, it's not Persian -- it's French.)
I remember it was wildly popular when it was released.

If you can stomach slasher type movies, the French movie High Tension
was masterful at keeping you on the edge of your seat.

When I was younger I watched all movie genres from all over the world,
but now I mostly watch American action and violence and sci-fi.

Amadeus and The Matrix remain my all-time favorites. Right up there are
GoodFellas, LA Confidential, Rob Roy, Sideways, Boogie Nights, Glengarry
Glen Ross, Miller's Crossing, and Quest For Fire.
2025-02-01 10:10:11 UTC
Post by DFS
He's too uneducated to know the French were among the first to invent
and record motion pictures.
Fun fact, the name of the brothers was Lumière. Which means "Light" in
Post by DFS
Post by vallor
(Lovely movie. No, it's not Persian -- it's French.)
I remember it was wildly popular when it was released.
It wasn't the first movie from Jean-Pierre JEUNET. I liked it but was
surprised by its popularity. For me when Jean-Pierre JEUNET created
movies with Marc CARO he did better. I really preferred « Delicatessen »
and « La cité des enfants perdus ». And they are more original at the
same time.
Post by DFS
but now I mostly watch American action and violence and sci-fi.
When French movies try to imitate American movies, they globally failed
because without the same amount of money it's difficult to be as
impressive. Sometime, French movies can inspire American movies, like
"True lies" with Arnold SCHWARTZENEGGER was clearly inspired by « La
totale » with Thierry LHERMITTE.

One of my favorites French movie makers is Albert DUPONTEL. His first
movie « Bernie » is a little bit weird, but some others like « Le vilain »,
« Adieu les cons », « Président » and « Au revoir là-haut » are really
great. Even if the last one was an adaptation of a book, so he didn't
invent the story, his movies are really inspired, interesting and well
done with a lot of fun.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2025-02-01 13:03:25 UTC
Post by Stéphane CARPENTIER
Post by DFS
He's too uneducated to know the French were among the first to invent
and record motion pictures.
Fun fact, the name of the brothers was Lumière. Which means "Light" in
Post by DFS
Post by vallor
(Lovely movie. No, it's not Persian -- it's French.)
I remember it was wildly popular when it was released.
It wasn't the first movie from Jean-Pierre JEUNET. I liked it but was
surprised by its popularity. For me when Jean-Pierre JEUNET created
movies with Marc CARO he did better. I really preferred « Delicatessen
» and « La cité des enfants perdus ». And they are more original at the
same time.
I liked _Amélie_, so looked for another movie with the same director,
and came across _Delicatessen_. Great film, but some of it is a bit
dated. (Without spoiling anything, an example: the attitude
toward wearing glasses seems very last-century -- even though it
sets up a hilarious situation.)

-v System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
OS: Linux 6.13.0 Release: Mint 22.1 Mem: 258G
"If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished!"
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2025-02-07 08:15:45 UTC
I like the French convention of writing the family name in all caps. It
makes it easier to tell which one it is, in the face of varying cultural
conventions about whether to put it first or last or somewhere else. E.g.

Jet LI
CHOW Yun-Fat
Michelle YEOH Choo Kheng

Notice the extra fun involved for those of Chinese extraction, when some
of them add Western-style names as well. The normal Chinese convention is
to put the family name first (within the Chinese name), but it seems
mainland Chinese are switching this to conform more to Western conventions
(like Japanese commonly do), while those of Chinese extraction elsewhere
in Asia still keep the old traditions.
2025-02-07 15:09:39 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
CHOW Yun-Fat
I remember him from 'The Replacement Killers'

2025-01-25 20:52:03 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
My hardware is cooled far more efficiently than any "box"
Only if the fan you use gives the same amount of wind chill factor to
the hot spots on MB.

It looks like computers are designed to create faster air flow in the
proximity of the hot surfaces than the ambient air speed outside and
even inside the computer.

Faster air not only cools better, it prevents moisture buildup too.
Farley Flud
2025-01-26 11:35:01 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
It looks like computers are designed to create faster air flow in the
proximity of the hot surfaces than the ambient air speed outside and
even inside the computer.
Inside the confines of a closed box there will be much turbulence
with consequent eddy flows that will create much dead space. This
is hard to predict exactly but cooling certainly will be reduced
by this effect.

The volume of air flow that I can produce with my external
fans is at least 20-30x as large as with any box, and with
some strategically placed baffles the cooling I can achieve
if far superior.

There are other advantages to having a no-box layout.
For example, I very frequently change or move HDDs and
I can do this very easily and quickly. I can plug in
and plug out a BDR/DVD/CD burner when needed rather than
having it attached all the time.

There is one minor disadvantage however, and that is possible
EM interference. Digital circuits can produce a fair amount
of RF radiation and this could affect nearby radio receivers.
This does affect me because I use no such devices but if were
to have a short-wave receiver it would certainly experience
a lot of noise when my computer is running (which is nearly
all the time).
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-26 15:52:42 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Inside the confines of a closed box there will be much turbulence
with consequent eddy flows that will create much dead space. This
is hard to predict exactly but cooling certainly will be reduced
by this effect.
My case has no solid sides. All sides are perforated by thousands of
1.5 mm holes.


I'm sure that this makes for rather disorganized airflow within, but
I'm not worried about it. Warm air can get out, certainly. As long
as the fans keep the air moving a bit, it will be fine, I think.

I chose the case partially because I didn't want a damn glass panel,
which really cuts down the choices, these days. Other than the novel
perforated sides, it's just a nice, normal microATX case, with modern
features such as a 10 Gb/s USB C port on the front panel.
Farley Flud
2025-01-26 16:41:44 UTC
Post by chrisv
Look at this portion of the blurb:

"A mesh design comprised of over 57,000 precision-machined 1.5mm holes increases airflow
and provides a compelling view of the components within your build."

Do the stupid holes have to be "precision machined?" Is 1.4mm or
1.6mm going to make any fucking difference from 1.5mm?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!


"... provides a compelling view of the components within your build."

Yeah. It's like a woman's see-through dress.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

These marketdroids are just as stupid as their target market.
Systemd: solving all the problems that you never knew you had.
2025-01-26 19:36:23 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
"... provides a compelling view of the components within your build."
Yeah. It's like a woman's see-through dress.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
8) I guess that you could see inside, if the inside was lit up. But
I don't have any silly LED's glowing inside my system. I can't see
anything other than the outside of the case. All the holes give it a
handsome texture and, I would think, good cooling.
Post by Farley Flud
These marketdroids are just as stupid as their target market.
With the popularity of side windows and LED's on fans and memory
sticks, you gotta wonder about he maturity level, at least. I can
understand the appeal to a young nerd building a system for a darkened
gaming lair...
2025-01-26 19:58:55 UTC
Post by chrisv
Post by Farley Flud
"... provides a compelling view of the components within your build."
Yeah. It's like a woman's see-through dress.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
8) I guess that you could see inside, if the inside was lit up. But
I don't have any silly LED's glowing inside my system. I can't see
anything other than the outside of the case. All the holes give it a
handsome texture and, I would think, good cooling.
The old "Cheesegrater" Mac Pro towers had a similar design language.

Since few PCs have suitable air filters, dust is inevitably going to
accumulate somewhere...a front panel of an array of small holes will be
a dust magnet, but since it is noticeable, pretty easy to wipe down when
the holes are the right size .. and a PITA when they're not: its a bit
reminiscent of some loudspeaker grates/covers.

2025-01-27 01:06:36 UTC
With the popularity of side windows and LED's on fans and memory sticks,
you gotta wonder about he maturity level, at least. I can understand
the appeal to a young nerd building a system for a darkened gaming
There was a period when IT was replacing dead fans with LED fans. Knowing
our purchasing habits I strongly suspect they found a batch on sale.

I suppose the side windows might prompt you to vacuum out the dust bunnies
more frequently than every five years.
Chris Ahlstrom
2025-01-27 14:04:30 UTC
Post by rbowman
With the popularity of side windows and LED's on fans and memory sticks,
you gotta wonder about he maturity level, at least. I can understand
the appeal to a young nerd building a system for a darkened gaming
There was a period when IT was replacing dead fans with LED fans. Knowing
our purchasing habits I strongly suspect they found a batch on sale.
I suppose the side windows might prompt you to vacuum out the dust bunnies
more frequently than every five years.
I once had a boss who smoked like a chimney at work. I had to work on his
computer. The white keycaps were covered in black, and the case was
filled with ashes.

One of the more sarcastic doctors at the place greeted him with
"Hi, Joe! What's the matter man! You look like you got cancer!"

Hmmmm, now "fortune" is monitoring my communications? :
"Mind if I smoke?"
"I don't care if you burst into flames and die!"
2025-01-26 18:43:13 UTC
Post by Farley Flud
Post by Physfitfreak
It looks like computers are designed to create faster air flow in the
proximity of the hot surfaces than the ambient air speed outside and
even inside the computer.
Inside the confines of a closed box there will be much turbulence
with consequent eddy flows that will create much dead space. This
is hard to predict exactly but cooling certainly will be reduced
by this effect.
The volume of air flow that I can produce with my external
fans is at least 20-30x as large as with any box, and with
some strategically placed baffles the cooling I can achieve
if far superior.
There are other advantages to having a no-box layout.
For example, I very frequently change or move HDDs and
I can do this very easily and quickly. I can plug in
and plug out a BDR/DVD/CD burner when needed rather than
having it attached all the time.
There is one minor disadvantage however, and that is possible
EM interference. Digital circuits can produce a fair amount
of RF radiation and this could affect nearby radio receivers.
This does affect me because I use no such devices but if were
to have a short-wave receiver it would certainly experience
a lot of noise when my computer is running (which is nearly
all the time).
I have at times resorted to leaving one side of the box open and using
strong fans to cool it, especially in summer. Speed of air flow across
hot surfaces is the key. The rest of cooling almost goes to waste cause
it won't get applied to hot areas. So fan must be set at its highest
speed and this makes a noisy environment. Something is always buzzing
when at the computer.

I am sure that those who design computer cases and inside little cooling
fans and ducts for CPU etc aren't doing it well enough. I give it more
than 99% chance this is the case. They can't do the job to begin with.
It requires physicists. Even if there's one who can, I'm certain he's
told not to go to such absurd extra miles for the consumers. Their best
customers are people like "true American" and "hh" anyway. They'd love
to see their computers go bad cause it opens yet another opportunity for
them to blow dollars. They're like women in a shopping center. So nobody
does the job right about this cooling matter.

Thus, brute forcing it I guess happens sometimes, but as I said, it has
been too noisy for me, and more exposed to cat urine right when I walk
off from the computer for some reason.