Trillions in Graft. Where Are Tax Dollars Being Spent?
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John Smyth
2025-02-21 14:23:15 UTC
"Trillions in Graft"

'In their desperation to shield the U.S. Treasury Department from the
DOGE forensics team, Democrats and most media are wailing that Elon Musk
is unelected and thus has no right to audit the finances of the rabidly
partisan and notoriously corrupt Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Yes, Democrats, Elon Musk is unelected. And by Democrat logic, IRS
supervisors and other Treasury Dept functionaries are also unelected, so
by what right do they voyeuristically snoop on the finances of millions
of Americans, criminally leak private tax returns of disfavored
conservative citizens to the media, and inflict punitive audits and
confiscatory penalties disproportionately on Republicans (a**holes,
according to the legendary Lois Lerner, whose annual pension exceeds
$100,000 and whose estimated net worth is $5.7 million dollars).

DOGE is the corrective, the counterbalance to an abusive and rogue
Treasury Department.

When trillions of dollars routinely go missing under the government’s
stewardship, the money doesn’t just disappear into a nebula or black
hole. The unaccounted-for money goes into people’s bank accounts. That’s
why anodyne terms like “waste, fraud, and abuse” are wholly inadequate

It would be one thing if the U.S. government made the trains run on
time. Or if highly questionable government agencies and programs were
just superfluous but inexpensive oddities like a human appendix.

Yet, look at the performance metrics and finances of the DMV, Amtrak,
the Social Security Administration, FEMA, the Department of Education,
Medicaid, USAID, on and on -- all government agencies and programs
primarily serve as fig leaves to disguise graft, the theft of taxpayer
dollars by government officials.

Which proves the adage that those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.
And those who can do neither fail up, up, and away in government,
purloining tax dollars while performing virtually no actual, meaningful
work. Taxpayer money provides boatloads of welfare for government

With trillions of appropriated tax dollars serving as a gigantic slush
fund for government officials, it is hardly surprising that politically
aligned Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and government contractors
want to get in on the feeding frenzy.

Many NGOs and foundations under the umbrellas of George Soros and Bill
Gates gorge themselves at the taxpayers’ trough as they partner with
government to advance far-left initiatives that were never approved by
voters (and in many cases violate federal law, as with the promotion and
facilitation of illegal immigration).

Even Catholic charities partner with government (no separation of church
and state there, apparently), as both divvy up taxpayer money to
accelerate illegal immigration and further enrich themselves in the

Mainstream corporate media (Politico, PBS, the NY Times, and others)
also join the grifting free-for-all, growing rich off the taxpayer slush
fund as they pump out a firehose of endless and government-reinforcing
progressive agitprop.

The government and affiliated NGOs demand and receive gobs of taxpayer
money for the homeless industrial complex, the welfare industrial
complex, the illegal migrant industrial complex, the DEI industrial
complex, the climate change industrial complex, and so on.

As the late astronomer Carl Sagan might have said, “billions and
billions” (of dollars embezzled). On the accounting books, they can
write off losses as overhead, or miscellaneous expenses, or, as DOGE
found, just leave the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) field altogether
blank on the expense sheet.

In keeping up with the Joneses in looting the Treasury, it is only
natural that a fellow fedtard feels entitled to his fair share as well.
Plus, tenured federal employees generally cannot be fired, so it’s
perpetual oink oink on the gravy train.

Bureaucrats and other government officials know they face little or no
oversight (and no legal jeopardy), and thus feel free to skim as much as
they like right off the top. GS-10 through GS-15 federal employees, in
particular, invariably have a far higher net worth than they should
(based on their salaries).

One would hope there would be a special rotisserie in hell for those who
steal from hardworking taxpayers, robbing actual productive workers of
their time, labor, and money, and hijacking their children’s and
grandchildren’s financial futures.

One would also expect -- or hope -- there would be full-throated
bipartisan support for DOGE’s noble and unprecedented undertaking.

Yet, polls show roughly half of the U.S. electorate (blue voters)
disapprove of DOGE and agree with Democrats and the legacy media that
decades of government grift and graft should continue untouched and

Whether it’s corrupt circuit court judges, woke white women, former FBI
fascisti like Frank Figliuzzi, or Margaret Brennan expelling halitosis
on the evening news, Big Blue is going to the mattresses to stop DOGE.

Suppose you had your wallet, cash, and credit cards stolen year after
year, and the burglars were never caught. Then, one day, a cop told you
the police had finally nabbed the robbers, and could put a stop to the
robberies, if only you would be willing to ID the culprits and press

Democrats shriek Nooooo! -- do not apprehend anybody; maintain the
status quo, and enable the highway robberies to continue as before.
Obedient lemmings to the bitter end, Democrats never question the
destructive and fictional narratives of their leaders, and only follow
along blindly.

Put another way, if a taxpayer worked for 50 years and learned that 25
of those working years were strictly to pay taxes -- not for any
mediocre government services rendered but so that government employees
could coast on their mostly fake jobs and retire wealthy at an early age
-- wouldn’t any normal person resent such an unfair and asymmetrical

In explaining their ameliorative (or perhaps palliative) reform efforts
to the public, it is vital that DOGE strongly articulate that their
radical transparency is exposing government graft -- outright theft of
taxpayer money -- on an almost incomprehensible scale.

We are way beyond mere waste, fraud, and abuse. Trillions and trillions,
as Carl Sagan said'
Siri Cruise
2025-02-21 21:38:18 UTC
Post by John Smyth
Yes, Democrats, Elon Musk is unelected. And by Democrat logic, IRS
supervisors and other Treasury Dept functionaries are also unelected, so
The IRS commissioner is elected by the Senate as in Article 2
Section 2.
Post by John Smyth
by what right do they voyeuristically snoop on the finances of millions
of Americans, criminally leak private tax returns of disfavored
The power is given to the Commissioner by Congress through which
it reaches subordinates hired in accord to the laws of Congress.

Members of Congress are elected by the people.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed